All Posts, Marketing, Social Media
Contrary to what most think, email is actually still very much relevant and effective. I say that because I received an email from Nick at Delmondo (they’re a video analytics company) and one of the articles was about Generation Z and Millennials and their feelings on Instagram and SnapChat. You can read the full article here on Adweek’s website.
I use both platforms, yet I personally enjoy Instagram over Snapchat. That may be because I’m a photographer and enjoy pictorial art over video, or maybe it is an age thing? Still the infographic the created by Adweek was actually pretty informative and well worth the few minutes of your time to review if you’ve been considering paid ads on Instagram and SnapChat. We at Design Theory have paid for boosted posts and ads on IG and have found some moderate results in the way of increased traffic to our website landing page, likes, and engagement. However the statistics that most in this infographic either don’t pay attention to the ads they see or don’t remember them is alarming.

Infographic: Carlos Monteiro
If these two demographics are your target audience you’ll certainly want to check your analytics and impression stats to see just how effective your posts are, and also the social media platform and determine if it’s working for you. Obviously you want your brand awareness to improve and grow, that’s the main reason (or should be) for paid advertising. However you should be vigilant about how and where you spend your marketing dollars. Just because you’re paying for it doesn’t mean it’s worth it – or is enough!
Have you been thinking about marketing your brand, products, or services on Instagram and SnapChat? If you have questions feel free to contact us, and if you have some testimonies about your experience we’d love to hear about them too.
All Posts, Blog, Branding, Business Strategy, Facebook, How to, PRESS RELEASE, Social Media
This post is part of our Reluctant Social Media Manager series, support for those of us who want measurable social media results with the least amount of effort.
This year has been full of excitement for Design Theory, and this summer is no exception. Earlier this year we launched new services including Managed Hosting, Social Media Management, and the profitable sales tool Automated Virtual Chat.
We’re pleased to announce that starting this summer we will be providing Facebook Training Classes for the Orlando area. We’ve developed a curriculum that will take any Facebook Business Page manager from novice to expert. Our classes cover all of the basics – setting up and managing a Facebook Page, Facebook Best Practices, and Advertising. We’ll go into some advanced topics such as: Managing Ads, Campaign Optimization, Targeting and Insights.
In February I provided a talk on Facebook advertising at WordCamp Miami (you can watch it here) and the response was overwhelming. I was flooded with so many questions after the session, that I realized there is a need for classroom style Facebook training. There are tons of resources online to help you learn how to leverage Facebook for your business, but if you’re like me – there’s nothing like having someone sit with you and work on your own website.

Our classes are designed to be hands on, lab-style. Our students will bring their own machines and log into their own Facebook Pages with me right there in the room guiding them each step of the way. Our first classes will be held later this summer. Click here to join our waitlist and receive a discount on your first class.
Share this email with any entrepreneur you know who could use a little Facebook Management assistance.
All Posts, Blab Video Replays, Marketing, Social Media
This week we’re back with another new Blab! This was such a good talk that I don’t even want to spend a lot of time explaining it, I really want you to just watch. In short we talk about how being a professional we don’t take out enough time to go back and inform our clients and audience that we actually have other skills, traits, or services that we can offer among our main ones that everyone knows us for.
We talk about ways to get the word out about the extra skills we have through means of email lists, videos, and social media. But not in a bragging way, but informative. Check it out and add your thoughts to us on Twitter or the comments below.
All Posts, Blab Video Replays, Social Media
This week we have a fun replay for you. Have you ever thought about completely opting out of using emails? Before you go wondering, imagine how much you use one or two social networks. And if you could move your clients and contacts to one of those networks that they already enjoy using or at least use rather frequently throughout the day, how nice would it be to switch your point of contacts to that network?
Well, that’s what Bess is trying out. We talk about that, changes to Facebook that include direct messages from Fan/Business pages to followers, the updated Like button responses and more.
All Posts, Social Media
Earlier this week on Blab, we did our show talking about Snapchat at a really basic and superficial level. I’ll be honest I’ve only used it personally a few times in the last 6 months, and don’t know all there is to know about the application. So Bess and I figured we’d learn a little bit about it and discuss it on the show.
The main thing I’d like to mention though is this, there are many social media channels out there. While Snapchat is pretty popular of lately, that doesn’t mean it’s the main network for you to shift all of your focus on. You’re really going to want to think about where and why you’d use it, and the benefits that you’ll be making to your audience. Just below this video are some great links to read to learn more about it and some ideal use cases. Be sure to share and let me know your thoughts in the comments below!
Show Notes:
Snapchat Features You Didn’t Know Existed (Or Just Didn’t Know How to Use)
Snapchat Marketing: A Beginner’s Guide
Check out your Snapchat Analytics
Blab Video Replays, Marketing, Social Media
Earlier this week we hosted another Blab talking about Marketing and Blogging Tips and Tools for 2016. Much like any of our other Blab shows, we start off with a topic and only are able to get through maybe half of our notes. This is due to the great dialog and engagement we get both in the guests and in the chat. Special thanks to all of you who subscribe and watch our shows each Tuesday morning at 10AM.
Check out the replay below, and under that are some links to some of the tips and tools we mentioned in the show.
Show Notes:
- For adding strategic popups to your website check out Ninja Popups
- Medium is a community of readers and writers offering unique perspectives on ideas large and small
- Stream directly to your Facebook Business page using NomadCast
- Triberr A community of talented Bloggers and Influencers come together to read and share great content.
- Advertising banners and ads on your website with The Blogger Network.
- Email list builder app Sumome that also shows heat-maps from visitors on your website.
- Schedule and share your social media posts in a smart way with Buffer App.