Do you have a Capability Statement? A Capability Statement is the industry standard government agencies seek for information and gives you the opportunity to Showcase your best services Highlight your experience Increase your likelihood of selection Your Capability Statement should make a STATEMENT! Purchase My Statement Now that you’ve paid, fill out the form and we’ll get started. Name Email PhoneCompany Name Contact Email To be placed on the capability statement.Website Upload your logoAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB.What are your brand colors? For example: D1410CGive a short and to the point overview of what your business does and the services or products you offer, just like your elevator pitch.What makes you different, what makes you stand out?Highlight the specific skills, experience, and qualifications your audience cares about most.List relevant projects or contracts you've completed. Describe each project briefly, highlighting the key accomplishments and outcomes. Include any notable clients or organizations you've worked with.List any certifications, qualifications, or memberships that demonstrate your company's expertise and credibility.Upload badges and certification images Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 50 MB. Please include any identifiable information such as your EIN, DUNS, NPI, NAICS codes, etc.For Example: . 561730 . 238140 . 237310 link to look up codes - any supporting information such as previous Capability Statements, client and partner logos Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 50 MB. Once you have paid, enter N/A here and skip down to Submit.(Required) Custom Designed Capability Statement $150.00 Buy now Δ