How Small Business Owners Can Leverage Facebook Groups and Boost Referrals

How Small Business Owners Can Leverage Facebook Groups and Boost Referrals

What if you could turn every Facebook group interaction into a potential business opportunity? Explore the strategies that small business owners are using to leverage these groups for powerful networking and referral generation. In today’s digital landscape, local Facebook groups have become goldmines for small business owners seeking to expand their network and generate referrals. These online communities offer a unique platform to connect with like-minded individuals, share valuable insights, and establish yourself as a trusted expert in your field. In this article, we’ll explore the strategies that savvy small business owners are using to effectively leverage Facebook groups, transform casual conversations into lucrative opportunities, and build a robust referral network that drives sustained business growth.

Follow the 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 rule is essential for building trust and credibility within any community. For your time in that group, you’ll want to spend 80% of it providing value and contributing to group discussions. This could involve sharing industry insights, offering free advice, answering questions, and participating in conversations. Use the remaining 20% to strategically promote your products and services. This approach ensures you’re seen as a valuable member rather than someone who’s just there to sell.

Get to Know the Group Dynamics

When you first join a new group, take time to understand the dynamics. Identify the most active members and the type of content that resonates with the group. Pay attention to the posts that get the most engagement and learn from them. I would also suggest keeping track of the times of day that people are most active and if you find some trends, make time in your schedule to be available and online at the same times. This insight will help you tailor your contributions to match the group’s interests and needs.

Engage with Recent Posts

Scroll through recent posts and look for opportunities to add value. Answer questions, provide helpful suggestions, and share relevant experiences. Showing your active participation helps establish a presence and start building relationships with group members. Turn on notifications and tailor them to your workflow so that you or someone in your organization is able to take action on the notifications while the attention is recent. Sometimes the first person to respond is tracked if Group Badges and features are turned on by the Admins.

Facebook Group Badges Hero Academy

Look for Direct Opportunities

While engaging with the group, keep an eye out for engagements where you can offer your services right to someone who you can tell is in need. If someone mentions a problem that your business can solve, consider sending them a direct message (DM) with a personalized offer or solution. Ensure your approach is genuine and not overly salesy to avoid coming off as pushy. Remember, most people don’t like to be “sold to” but most people do appreciate a useful and timely recommendation.

Publish Informational Content

Regularly share content that showcases your expertise and provides valuable information to the group. This could be blog posts, industry news, how-to guides, or tips related to your field. While I would suggest looking to engage a few times a day, that may not be feasible for most that are attempting this audience development on their own. If you have staff or a Virtual Assistant, this is an easy task for them to manage for you and your business to foster a regular presence. Add into your workflow that your team can reach you directly if an opportunity best suits your direct involvement or tone. By consistently offering high-quality content, you’ll position yourself as a knowledgeable and trusted resource. Check out our Social Media Starter Plan that’s on sale right now for even more content tips for your social media marketing campaigns.

Building a reputation as a subject matter expert takes time and consistency. Keep a persistent presence in the group by regularly contributing and engaging. Over time, your efforts will pay off as group members start recognizing your expertise and turning to you for advice and services. We’ve seen it where people aren’t even active in a group and they are tagged by others because they want to ensure that certain group members and contributors see a particular post or discussion so that the tagged person can get immediate awareness to engage in a timely manor.

Encourage Referrals

Once you’ve established trust and demonstrated your expertise, don’t hesitate to encourage referrals. Ask satisfied group members to recommend your services to others. This is a major key! The social proof these post recommendations will be among all others in the group are powerful and can significantly boost your credibility and business prospects. The Group Admins will champion these too because it gives further validity to the group and the quality of members, namely you! Receive a few in a short and consistent time and I can almost guarantee you’ll be on the yellow brick road to success and multiple referrals due to your efforts practicing this strategy.

Of course this is just one of our many Theories, so experiment this on your own and let us know in what ways these tips have helped you grow your audience and presence on Facebook Groups. If you’d like our guidance for your organization, please feel free to give us a call (407-490-2425) or send us a message.


Facebook Messenger is now Available as a Desktop App

Facebook Messenger is now Available as a Desktop App

I was going through some emails and came across a press release from F8 where they demo Messenger as a desktop app and that made me smile. So before I get into my view on this, you can go ahead and download it free on the Mac App Store as well as the Microsoft App Store. Both are free!

(Image and article source)

Now for me I use Facebook a little different. While Facebook has a BUNCH of different apps, I preferred it when they had all of the functions under one app. I imagine it was easier to maintain them as separate installs, but for me I hate having to switch apps to perform a function that I used to do while inside of one experience already. Additionally I don’t like having Messenger on my iPhone and resorted to using it on my iPad and through my browser as my main interaction point. Having it as a stand alone app on my laptop though saves me from using the additional device, but also keeps the Messenger experience to my main device; being my laptop. I use Messenger almost exclusively for business interactions so I like to keep my time of use of it to normal working hours, then close it and not get notifications or distractions from it until I’m ready to. Similar to how I treat emails during the day too by only opening my email app a few times a day and not having it open all day to distract me of every email of the many inboxes I manage. But I digress.

So check out the desktop offering and let me know what you think! Will you use it more or less than the mobile apps or through your browser?


How to Setup Custom Reply Messages for Facebook Pages

How to Setup Custom Reply Messages for Facebook Pages

Recently we were asked to help setup a Facebook Business page and unless you follow the blogs on Facebook, each time you want to go in and make a change, they’ve updated their user interface and move things around. It’s supposed to make things easier but I beg to differ.

Anyways if you currently have a Facebook page now and use Messenger, you’ll want to be sure you turn on or even edit the options in the Response Assistant. It’s easy enough to get to (once you’ve found it the first time) by hitting the Settings at the top right then Messaging on the right menu

Facebook Page - Custom Reply Messages

Once there scroll down until you see the Response Assistant.

Facebook Page Response Assistant

Take a few minutes to fill out what you’d like your custom messages to be for each option. Be sure to save when you’re done, and you’re all set!

Attn Orlando: Upcoming Facebook Training

This post is part of our Reluctant Social Media Manager series, support for those of us who want measurable social media results with the least amount of effort.

This year has been full of excitement for Design Theory, and this summer is no exception.  Earlier this year we launched new services including Managed Hosting, Social Media Management, and the profitable sales tool Automated Virtual Chat.

We’re pleased to announce that starting this summer we will be providing Facebook Training Classes for the Orlando area.  We’ve developed a curriculum that will take any Facebook Business Page manager from novice to expert.  Our classes cover all of the basics – setting up and managing a Facebook Page, Facebook Best Practices, and Advertising.  We’ll go into some advanced topics such as: Managing Ads, Campaign Optimization, Targeting and Insights.

In February I provided a talk on Facebook advertising at WordCamp Miami (you can watch it here) and the response was overwhelming.  I was flooded with so many questions after the session, that I realized there is a need for classroom style Facebook training.  There are tons of resources online to help you learn how to leverage Facebook for your business, but if you’re like me – there’s nothing like having someone sit with you and work on your own website.

WordCamp Miami 2016

Our classes are designed to be hands on, lab-style.  Our students will bring their own machines and log into their own Facebook Pages with me right there in the room guiding them each step of the way.  Our first classes will be held later this summer.  Click here to join our waitlist and receive a discount on your first class.

Share this email with any entrepreneur you know who could use a little Facebook Management assistance.