Cost Comparison: WordPress vs. Squarespace

Cost Comparison: WordPress vs. Squarespace

Most new business professionals and entrepreneurs are bootstrapping when they’re starting their new venture. Hiring a staff or agency isn’t always financially possible, and so they’ll try and learn and do as much as they can to get their business to a viable start with a limited budget. When it comes to the cost of building and maintaining a website, business professionals need to consider more than just the initial price of investment, they’ll also need to consider the quality (and functional features) and the amount of time it will take to launch. While WordPress and Squarespace have different pricing structures, there are hidden costs associated with both platforms, from time investment to ongoing maintenance.

Let’s break down the costs involved in building and running a website on each platform, so you can make an informed decision about where to invest your time and money.

WordPress: A Customizable, Pay-As-You-Go Approach

With WordPress, the cost can range widely depending on your needs and how much customization you require.

Cost Breakdown for WordPress:

1.Domain Name:

Typically you can purchase your domain for an annual cost of $10 to $20 per year. You can purchase your domain from a variety of providers, such as GoDaddy or IONOS (Formally 1and1).


WordPress doesn’t include hosting, so you’ll need to factor that in. Shared hosting plans start at around $3 to $10 per month, but if you need better performance, expect to pay for managed WordPress hosting, which can range from $20 to $100+ per month for higher traffic or resource-heavy websites. We recommend SiteGround for their great customer support, server performance, and pricing tiers.

3.Themes and Plugins:

While there are free themes and plugins available, many businesses go for premium options to achieve a more professional look and enhanced functionality. Premium themes range from $30 to $100 that may be one time or have an annual license that includes regular updates. Plugins can cost anywhere from $5 to $200+ per year depending on the functionality you need.

4.Developer Fees (Optional):

If you need custom functionality or advanced design, hiring a developer can cost anywhere from $50 to $200+ per hour. If your project requires extensive custom coding, expect a web development budget starting at $500 to several thousand dollars, depending on the complexity of your project.

5.Maintenance and Security:

Since you’re responsible for managing updates, security patches, and backups, you may want to invest in a managed service or security plugin. Budget $10 to $50 per month for these services, or more if you opt for premium backup and security solutions.

Time Investment for WordPress:

Building the Site:

Depending on your experience, building a WordPress site from scratch can take anywhere from 20 to 100+ hours. If you’re using a pre-built theme and plugins, it will take less time, but customizations will add hours to the process. If it is your first time, prepare to spend quite a bit of time learning some technical aspects of the infrastructure setup. You’ll want to have a good idea for where you want your website to be and look initially and what growing it with additional features and functions will entail.


WordPress requires regular updates, both for the platform itself and for plugins and themes. Budget a few hours per month for this, or pay for a managed service if you want to offload the responsibility. You’ll also need to periodically monitor performance, security, and backups. Many of these tasks can be automated, and that will save you a lot of time. You can also hire an agency to monitor and maintain your website and perform the necessary updates and backups for you so that you can toss that hat away.

Squarespace: All-Inclusive with Transparent Pricing

Squarespace offers an all-in-one solution with pricing that covers hosting, design templates, and even e-commerce features if needed. While the price is more straightforward, you may end up paying more for features that come standard in WordPress via free plugins.

Cost Breakdown for Squarespace:

1.Domain Name:

Squarespace offers a free domain for the first year when you sign up for an annual plan. After that, the domain renewal costs about $20 to $40 per year.

2.Monthly Subscription:

Squarespace’s pricing is subscription-based. Plans range from $16 to $65 per month, depending on whether you need basic website functionality or more advanced e-commerce features.

  • Personal Plan: $16/month – Basic website with a few pages and no e-commerce functionality.
  • Business Plan: $23/month – Adds e-commerce and marketing tools.
  • Basic Commerce: $27/month – Ideal for businesses selling products online.
  • Advanced Commerce: $49/month – Includes advanced e-commerce features, such as abandoned cart recovery and subscriptions.

3.Design Templates and Features:

Squarespace includes a selection of high-quality, responsive templates at no additional cost. There are no additional fees for themes or templates, unlike WordPress, where premium themes are often necessary for a more polished look.

4.Additional Costs:

Squarespace’s integrated tools may reduce the need for third-party services, but some features (like advanced marketing integrations) could still require additional investment, such as paying for email marketing services or external plugins.

Time Investment for Squarespace:

Building the Site:

Squarespace is designed for users with little to no coding experience. You can build a simple site in 5 to 20 hours, depending on how much customization and content you need to add. Most of the process involves selecting a template and adjusting it to fit your brand.


Squarespace takes care of updates, security, and backups for you. This significantly reduces the time you’ll need to spend maintaining the site. Business owners can expect to spend less than 1 hour per month on upkeep—typically updating content or adding new features.

Important Considerations for Business Professionals

1.Budget Flexibility:

If you’re operating on a tight budget, WordPress offers more flexibility. You can start with a low-cost hosting plan and add features as your business grows. Squarespace, while convenient, has fixed subscription costs that may not scale as efficiently as your site’s needs grow.

2.Time vs. Customization:

WordPress demands more time to learn, build, and maintain, but in return, you get unmatched customization and scalability. Squarespace, on the other hand, saves time with its ease of use but sacrifices flexibility. Consider how much time you can dedicate upfront and over the long term when making your decision.

3.Long-Term Growth:

If you anticipate significant growth in your business or need advanced functionality like a custom-built e-commerce system, membership site, or integrations with other platforms, WordPress is a better long-term solution. Squarespace is great for small to medium-sized businesses that value simplicity but may fall short as your business scales.

4.Tech Expertise:

If you don’t have technical expertise and don’t want to hire a developer, Squarespace is the easier, lower-maintenance option. WordPress, while powerful, requires either tech knowledge or the willingness to invest in professional support.

Our Final Thoughts on Cost and Time Involvement

When choosing between WordPress and Squarespace, it boils down to balancing cost, time, and flexibility. WordPress allows you to start small and grow with your business, but the hidden costs in development, maintenance, and plugins can add up. Squarespace provides a more predictable cost structure, but if your business outgrows its capabilities, you may need to switch platforms down the line. If you’re a business professional looking for a quick, hands-off solution, Squarespace’s ease of use is hard to beat. However, if you’re in it for the long haul and envision a website that evolves as your business grows, WordPress offers the versatility to make that happen if you’re willing to put in the time.

Not every website project is the same and so we couldn’t recommend one of these to everyone. Hopefully after reading this article and seeing the different options you now have a better idea of which platform will be best for you and your business.


How To Get People To Stop Scrolling Past Your Content

How To Get People To Stop Scrolling Past Your Content

Headlines. They’re the gatekeepers of your content. It’s weird to think of it like that right? We’re all jockeying for the attention of readers scrolling through feeds and you’ve got a just few seconds to grab someone’s attention. This isn’t easy and there isn’t a (silver bullet) one solution for all platforms. Whether you’re optimizing your LinkedIn posts for engagement, writing landing page copy to drive conversions, or crafting email newsletters that generate clicks, effective headlines are the key to success you’re seeking.

Why Are Headlines So Important?

Think of headlines as the front door to your house. A great headline invites people in, makes them curious, and promises value. On platforms like LinkedIn, where content is consumed at warp speed, or landing pages designed to convert visitors into leads, the wrong headline can send people running for the hills—or the “back” button.

But what makes a headline work?

A strong headline must:

  • Speak directly to your audience’s needs and desires.
  • Promise a solution, a benefit, or valuable information.
  • Stand out amidst the noise.

It’s an art and a science. And mastering it can lead to higher engagement, more leads, and ultimately, more business.

Crafting Headlines for LinkedIn Posts

LinkedIn is a unique beast when it comes to headlines. Professionals scroll their feed looking for value, not sales pitches. That means your headlines must be direct, insightful, and, most importantly, relevant.

Key Strategies:

  1. Hook Their Interest: The first few words should capture attention. Use power words like “Why,” “How,” or numbers (lists and steps draw readers in).
  2. Address Their Pain Points: Identify a common problem within your industry or profession and hint at a solution.
  3. Use Action Verbs: Words like “Discover,” “Uncover,” and “Master” push readers toward action.

Example in Theory:

  • Effective: “How to Increase LinkedIn Engagement by 40% in 30 Days”
  • Poor: “Increasing LinkedIn Engagement and Activity”

See the difference? The first one is specific, has a timeframe, and offers value. The second is vague and uninspiring.

Writing Headlines for Landing Pages

Landing pages are designed to convert. Whether you’re collecting emails, selling a product, or promoting a service, the headline must convey why the visitor should stay and take action. The stakes are higher here—you’ve already gotten their click, now you need to earn their trust.

Key Strategies:

  1. Focus on the Benefit: What will the user gain? Be clear, specific, and offer a solution.
  2. Create Urgency: Use words that imply limited time offers or exclusive benefits.
  3. Keep It Concise: People skim online. Your headline should be short, punchy, and easy to digest.

Example in Theory:

  • Effective: “Boost Your Sales by 30% with Our Proven Email Marketing Strategy”
  • Poor: “Sign Up for Our Email Marketing Services Today!”

Notice how the first headline gives a specific benefit (30% sales increase) and a hint of credibility (“proven”). The second one? Bland. It doesn’t offer anything that grabs attention or excites.

Crafting Headlines for Email Newsletters

In the world of email marketing, your headline—or subject line—determines whether your message will even get opened. This is a make-or-break moment for engagement, and the wrong subject line can doom even the most well-written email to the junk folder.

Key Strategies:

  1. Personalization: Use the recipient’s name, or tailor the headline to their specific interests.
  2. Be Conversational: Emails are personal, so your subject lines should sound human.
  3. Spark Curiosity: Pique interest without giving too much away.

Example in Theory:

  • Effective: “Sarah, Here’s How You Can Save 20% on Your Next Project”
  • Poor: “Save 20% on Services”

The first example speaks directly to the recipient and feels personalized. The second is generic and screams “spam.”

5 Examples of Effective Headlines

Now that we’ve covered some key strategies, I want you to take a look at five more examples of effective headlines that would work well across LinkedIn posts, Landing Pages, and Email Newsletters:

  1. “Unlock the Secrets to Growing Your Business on LinkedIn—Step-by-Step Guide Inside”
  2. “How to Double Your Email Open Rates in Just 7 Days”
  3. “Master the Art of SEO and Watch Your Traffic Skyrocket”
  4. “Why Most Small Businesses Fail at Digital Marketing (and How You Can Succeed)”
  5. “Ready to Scale? Here’s How Our Clients Are Seeing 3X Growth in a Year”

These headlines are effective because they offer specific results, appeal to emotions, and promise valuable insights or solutions.

5 Examples of Poor Headlines

And here are five examples of what not to do:

  1. “Business Growth Tips for LinkedIn”
  2. “Learn How to Send Better Emails”
  3. “SEO Techniques to Improve Traffic”
  4. “The Best Digital Marketing Tools You Can Use”
  5. “Grow Your Business Fast with These Strategies”

These headlines fail because they are vague, lack urgency, and don’t offer any clear benefit to the reader. You want to stay far away from generalizations and provide specifics to catch attention.

[BONUS] SEO Considerations for Crafting Headlines

Really quick, I want to add in some tips about SEO which is an essential element of your digital marketing. The headlines you craft should not only grab attention but also enhance your site’s visibility on search engines like Google.

Key Strategies:

1. Include Keywords – Think about what your audience is searching for. Terms like “LinkedIn engagement,” “email open rates,” and “SEO tips” are gold.
2. Focus on Long-Tail Keywords – These are more specific and help you stand out. For example, instead of “email marketing,” use “how to improve email open rates.”
3. Optimize for Click-Through Rates (CTR) – Google measures how often people click on your headline. Headlines that promise value and match user intent will perform better in search results.

Wrapping things up here, I want to leave you with these precursors to your headlines to be specific, be valuable, and speak to your audience’s pain points. Remember that’s the whole reason they’re searching the internet for, and if you can win their trust and become their subject matter expert. Effective headlines get the job done and if you get them right, you’ll see the difference in your engagement, conversions, and overall business growth. So, take a moment before you hit “publish” and ask yourself: Does this headline really make people want to keep reading? If not, it’s time to refine, tweak, and perfect until it does. I almost used that as the headline for this article to be honest 🤓

Beware of SETC (Self-Employed Tax Credit) Emails!

Beware of SETC (Self-Employed Tax Credit) Emails!

We all get those solicitation emails for business funding and loan opportunities. This one in particular I had seen a few times and this time I decided to research it because “SETC” sounded familiar. SETC stands for Self-Employed Tax Credit and the email got my attention being well written, rather short, key bullet points, and to be honest it seemed pretty legit. TLDR: It’s misleading and you may want to just treat it like spam and delete the email.

Google Search - self employed tax credit

Check out some of what I read from the email we received:

Here’s what makes the SETC Rebate so appealing: IT’S NOT A LOAN! You won’t have to worry about repayment or restrictions on how the funds are used. It’s a cash rebate directly paid to you.
To check if ______ ________ is eligible, simply CLICK HERE to visit our website and complete a quick 1-minute online form. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!

If you work for yourself as a self-employed individual in any of the categories listed below, you meet the requirements and could receive up to $32,220 through the SETC tax credit:

  • Sole Proprietors
  • 1099 Contractors
  • Freelancers
  • Single-member LLCs
  • Gig Workers
  • Other self-employed professionals

We’re a small agency here at Design Theory and from humble beginnings where we wore all the hats and did just about all of the necessary paperwork. Claiming or filing an SETC did NOT sound familiar to me, and believe you me, we were always looking for ways to decrease our tax burdens. A quick Google search and I was immediately seeing an excerpt from the IRS website dispelling this “opportunity” and speaking to it in the form of how I received it (email or social media).

SETC - Already Applied for Your SETC Tax Rebate


From the IRS

Promoters and social media are marketing something they describe as the “Self Employment Tax Credit” as a way for self-employed people and gig workers to get big payments for the COVID-19 pandemic period. Similar to misleading marketing around the Employee Retention Credit, there is inaccurate information suggesting many people qualify for the tax credit and payments of up to $32,000 when they actually do not.

In reality, the underlying credit being referred to in social media isn’t called the “Self Employment Tax Credit,” it’s a much more limited and technical credit called Credits for Sick Leave and Family Leave. Many people simply do not qualify for this credit, and the IRS is closely reviewing claims coming in under this provision so people filing claims do so at their own risk.

“This is another misleading social media claim that’s fooling well-meaning taxpayers into thinking they’re due a big payday,” said IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel. “People shouldn’t be misled by outlandish claims they see on social media. Before paying someone to file these claims, taxpayers should consult with a trusted tax professional to see if they meet the very limited eligibility scenarios.

Click here to read the full article on the IRS Government website.

If you happen to receive an email like this from the same vendor or another, make sure to do your research before responding or sharing your personal or business information. It’s 2024 and chances are you’re not the only one to receive an offer or some exclusive business opportunity, and whether you check on Reddit or your local Chamber of Commerce, validate the legitamacy of a company or organization before you share your sensitive information.

How Small Business Owners Can Leverage Facebook Groups and Boost Referrals

How Small Business Owners Can Leverage Facebook Groups and Boost Referrals

What if you could turn every Facebook group interaction into a potential business opportunity? Explore the strategies that small business owners are using to leverage these groups for powerful networking and referral generation. In today’s digital landscape, local Facebook groups have become goldmines for small business owners seeking to expand their network and generate referrals. These online communities offer a unique platform to connect with like-minded individuals, share valuable insights, and establish yourself as a trusted expert in your field. In this article, we’ll explore the strategies that savvy small business owners are using to effectively leverage Facebook groups, transform casual conversations into lucrative opportunities, and build a robust referral network that drives sustained business growth.

Follow the 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 rule is essential for building trust and credibility within any community. For your time in that group, you’ll want to spend 80% of it providing value and contributing to group discussions. This could involve sharing industry insights, offering free advice, answering questions, and participating in conversations. Use the remaining 20% to strategically promote your products and services. This approach ensures you’re seen as a valuable member rather than someone who’s just there to sell.

Get to Know the Group Dynamics

When you first join a new group, take time to understand the dynamics. Identify the most active members and the type of content that resonates with the group. Pay attention to the posts that get the most engagement and learn from them. I would also suggest keeping track of the times of day that people are most active and if you find some trends, make time in your schedule to be available and online at the same times. This insight will help you tailor your contributions to match the group’s interests and needs.

Engage with Recent Posts

Scroll through recent posts and look for opportunities to add value. Answer questions, provide helpful suggestions, and share relevant experiences. Showing your active participation helps establish a presence and start building relationships with group members. Turn on notifications and tailor them to your workflow so that you or someone in your organization is able to take action on the notifications while the attention is recent. Sometimes the first person to respond is tracked if Group Badges and features are turned on by the Admins.

Facebook Group Badges Hero Academy

Look for Direct Opportunities

While engaging with the group, keep an eye out for engagements where you can offer your services right to someone who you can tell is in need. If someone mentions a problem that your business can solve, consider sending them a direct message (DM) with a personalized offer or solution. Ensure your approach is genuine and not overly salesy to avoid coming off as pushy. Remember, most people don’t like to be “sold to” but most people do appreciate a useful and timely recommendation.

Publish Informational Content

Regularly share content that showcases your expertise and provides valuable information to the group. This could be blog posts, industry news, how-to guides, or tips related to your field. While I would suggest looking to engage a few times a day, that may not be feasible for most that are attempting this audience development on their own. If you have staff or a Virtual Assistant, this is an easy task for them to manage for you and your business to foster a regular presence. Add into your workflow that your team can reach you directly if an opportunity best suits your direct involvement or tone. By consistently offering high-quality content, you’ll position yourself as a knowledgeable and trusted resource. Check out our Social Media Starter Plan that’s on sale right now for even more content tips for your social media marketing campaigns.

Building a reputation as a subject matter expert takes time and consistency. Keep a persistent presence in the group by regularly contributing and engaging. Over time, your efforts will pay off as group members start recognizing your expertise and turning to you for advice and services. We’ve seen it where people aren’t even active in a group and they are tagged by others because they want to ensure that certain group members and contributors see a particular post or discussion so that the tagged person can get immediate awareness to engage in a timely manor.

Encourage Referrals

Once you’ve established trust and demonstrated your expertise, don’t hesitate to encourage referrals. Ask satisfied group members to recommend your services to others. This is a major key! The social proof these post recommendations will be among all others in the group are powerful and can significantly boost your credibility and business prospects. The Group Admins will champion these too because it gives further validity to the group and the quality of members, namely you! Receive a few in a short and consistent time and I can almost guarantee you’ll be on the yellow brick road to success and multiple referrals due to your efforts practicing this strategy.

Of course this is just one of our many Theories, so experiment this on your own and let us know in what ways these tips have helped you grow your audience and presence on Facebook Groups. If you’d like our guidance for your organization, please feel free to give us a call (407-490-2425) or send us a message.


Transforming Your Business with a Website Redesign

Transforming Your Business with a Website Redesign

Is your website making the right impression? Often the first point of contact between a business and its potential clients, that requires specific targeting and lead capturing strategy.

The Challenge:

Our latest project is for Indelible Consulting where their company website faced the challenge of modernizing its online presence. Their original website, built on WIX, lacked the contemporary design elements, functionality, and mobile responsiveness needed to effectively engage clients. With an expanding client portfolio of consulting services, it became crucial for Indelible Consulting to present a professional and user-friendly online experience.

Our Custom Solutions:

Understanding the specific needs of Indelible Consulting and the ICP of their clients, we embarked on a comprehensive redesign project. Our primary objective was to create a modern, visually appealing website on WordPress, incorporating the company’s brand color scheme and enhanced content. Additionally, we custom-built a Learning Management System (LMS) to facilitate the delivery of their educational courses.

Key Features:

  1. Modern WordPress Design: We developed a sleek and modern WordPress website that aligns with Indelible Consulting’s brand identity. The new design includes updated content, intuitive navigation, and visually appealing elements to engage visitors.
  2. Learning Management System (LMS): A custom-built LMS was integrated into the website, offering four courses that clients can purchase, consume, and complete through a full self-service process. This LMS ensures a seamless educational experience, enabling clients to access valuable content at their convenience.
  3. Enhanced User Experience: The redesigned website is optimized for user experience, featuring clear calls to action, easy navigation, and a responsive design that works flawlessly on all devices. This ensures that potential clients have a positive and engaging experience when visiting the site.
  4. Brand Color Scheme: The website design incorporates Indelible Consulting’s brand color scheme, ensuring consistency across all digital touchpoints and reinforcing brand recognition.

The Benefits of WordPress

WordPress powers over 40% of all websites on the internet, making it the most popular content management system (CMS) globally. Here are some compelling reasons why WordPress is an excellent choice for your business:

  • Flexibility and Customization: WordPress offers an extensive range of themes and plugins, allowing you to create a highly customized website that fits your unique business needs.
  • SEO-Friendly: WordPress is built with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind, making it easier for your site to rank higher in search engine results.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: With the increasing use of mobile devices, having a mobile-responsive website is crucial. WordPress themes are designed to be mobile-friendly, ensuring a seamless user experience across all devices.
  • Security: Regular updates and a robust security framework make WordPress a secure platform for your website.
  • Scalability: Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, WordPress can scale with your business, accommodating your growing needs.

Why Redesign Your Website?

A website redesign can significantly impact your business. Here are some reasons why a small business might need to consider a website redesign:

  1. Outdated Design: An old or outdated website can make your business appear unprofessional and out of touch.
  2. Poor User Experience: A confusing or difficult-to-navigate website can frustrate visitors and drive potential clients away.
  3. Lack of Mobile Responsiveness: With more people accessing the internet via mobile devices, a non-responsive website can result in lost opportunities.
  4. Low Conversion Rates: If your website is not effectively converting visitors into clients, it may be time for a redesign.
  5. SEO Performance: An outdated website may not be optimized for search engines, making it harder for potential clients to find you online.

Signs Your Website Needs a Redesign:

  • High Bounce Rates: Visitors leave your site quickly without engaging with your content.
  • Slow Loading Speeds: Your website takes too long to load, which can frustrate visitors and negatively impact your SEO.
  • Dated Visuals: Your website looks old-fashioned or does not align with your current brand identity.
  • Difficult Navigation: Users struggle to find the information they need.
  • Low Mobile Traffic: Your website is not optimized for mobile devices, resulting in a poor user experience on smartphones and tablets.

Enhancing with a Learning Management System (LMS)

For Indelible Consulting, adding an LMS was a strategic move to offer value-added services to their clients. Here’s why integrating an LMS can be beneficial:

  • Monetization: Offering premium courses can create a new revenue stream for your business.
  • Client Education: An LMS allows you to educate your clients on your products and services, enhancing their knowledge and engagement.
  • Brand Authority: Providing educational content positions your business as an authority in your industry.
  • Self-Service: Clients can access and complete courses at their own pace, leading to higher satisfaction and retention rates.

By implementing these custom solutions, our agency Design Theory significantly enhanced Indelible Consulting’s digital presence. The new website not only showcases their consulting expertise but also provides an intuitive platform for clients to engage with their services and educational content. This redesign positions Indelible Consulting as a modern, client-focused consulting firm, ready to meet the needs of their growing client base.

Providing User Access to Your MailChimp Account

Providing User Access to Your MailChimp Account

There’s another option for giving access to your MailChimp account without needing to provide your account username and password. In our agency we prefer the following approach because we’re able to gain access to our client accounts at different levels, and access is relatively instant.

Follow These steps:

Log into your MailChimp account and click on your profile icon that is located at the top right of your screen

Step 1

On this next screen you’ll see a menu listed under your account/profile name. Click on Settings and it will drop down a sub-menu, and then you can click on Users.

Step 2

This next screen you may see a list of users if there was previous access already provided. So it’s a good time to check to ensure the right people should still have access and revoke access to any that no longer need it.

You’ll see a Invite User button on the right of your screen, click on that.

Step 3

Now you’ll enter in the email address for whom you’d like to invite to your account to have access. You’ll see a list of options below for: Viewer, Author, Manager, and Admin. For most cases providing Author access will be sufficient. Enter the email address of the person you want to grant access to, then choose an option in the User type section. Add an optional message to share instructions or other information for that person. Once you’re done with your selections you can click on the Send Invite button located just below the entries.

Step 4
The email invitation asks the recipient to join your account under the user level you selected. The recipient can create a new username and password, or log in with their existing Mailchimp account. To better protect accounts with multiple users, add 2-factor authentication to your Mailchimp account.