About Design Theory, All Posts, PRESS RELEASE
There’s a guy that I know here in Orlando that goes by the nickname Nemo. He’s got his hands in a lot of cookie jars and making use of each of them in ways that all come together under the idea of “Dreamers”. Alex Hanse is that thought leader behind the Foolies Limited Clothing. Chances are you’ve seen his inspirational t-shirts all around social media from Orlando, to New York, and on Hollywood Celebrities. It’s true, check it out on Instagram.

For Black History Month, Foolies is featuring a different Dreamer for each day of the month. I encourage you to follow them and see who else they’re featured and hopefully find some inspiration by their short bios and stories. I know I am inspired!
All Posts, Events, Photography, PRESS RELEASE
I’m a little late at posting this, but we’ve been slammed here at Dt HQ. Tonight in Downtown Orlando will be an open gallery of photos submitted that depict live, work, and play in and around Downtown. One of my photos is actually used on the flyer of the event and in Facebook. It’s in the top right corner of (street view) of Orange Avenue. If you’re looking for a fun night out of some awesome photography that is from cell phones to mirrorless to DSLR’s and more you’ll want to check this out.
What I like the most about this event is that is was open to everyone no matter what type of device they have for capturing a photo. This is all about being creative and capturing the City Beautiful. For more information check out their Twitter page or visit the main website or Facebook page. See you there!
All Posts, Blog, Branding, Business Strategy, Facebook, How to, PRESS RELEASE, Social Media
This post is part of our Reluctant Social Media Manager series, support for those of us who want measurable social media results with the least amount of effort.
This year has been full of excitement for Design Theory, and this summer is no exception. Earlier this year we launched new services including Managed Hosting, Social Media Management, and the profitable sales tool Automated Virtual Chat.
We’re pleased to announce that starting this summer we will be providing Facebook Training Classes for the Orlando area. We’ve developed a curriculum that will take any Facebook Business Page manager from novice to expert. Our classes cover all of the basics – setting up and managing a Facebook Page, Facebook Best Practices, and Advertising. We’ll go into some advanced topics such as: Managing Ads, Campaign Optimization, Targeting and Insights.
In February I provided a talk on Facebook advertising at WordCamp Miami (you can watch it here) and the response was overwhelming. I was flooded with so many questions after the session, that I realized there is a need for classroom style Facebook training. There are tons of resources online to help you learn how to leverage Facebook for your business, but if you’re like me – there’s nothing like having someone sit with you and work on your own website.

Our classes are designed to be hands on, lab-style. Our students will bring their own machines and log into their own Facebook Pages with me right there in the room guiding them each step of the way. Our first classes will be held later this summer. Click here to join our waitlist and receive a discount on your first class.
Share this email with any entrepreneur you know who could use a little Facebook Management assistance.
All Posts, Events, Featured, PRESS RELEASE, WordPress
This weekend is the first WordCamp happening in Jacksonville, FL. Tickets are just about sold out for this inaugural event, and that is saying a lot for a first time conference. We’ll be driving up from Orlando on Friday evening (hopefully will make it in time to catch some of the pre-conference festivities).
We are excited about it for a few reasons, but before I get into why, I wanted to take a moment and give you the details on the event. It is going to be held at the
Florida State College at Jacksonville
Advanced Technology Center
401 W State St
Jacksonville, FL 32202
The conference dates are April 16th and 17th (Saturday and Sunday) For tickets you can visit this link.
One of the first reasons why we are excited is that this will make the 4th WordCamp for the State of Florida. Miami being the biggest and I believe first. Then Orlando and Tampa, and now Jacksonville. It’s crazy for me to think that all of these are happening through the year in Florida, and at least for those of us living and working in the state, they’re all within driving distance. We attended WordCamp Miami this year and like ever year it was awesome. Our own Brand Strategist Nicole Perpillant was a speaker too! You can view her slides here.
Next reason why we’re hype is that, myself, Jean Perpillant will be speaking at this conference. I made a personal goal to speak at 4 different events this year and I’m nervous and honored to be chosen as one of the speakers for their first event. You can see my details as well as the other talented speakers by viewing this link. I’ll be speaking on Custom Themes vs Premium Themes; discussing the advantages and disadvantages to choosing either as well as key things you need to know.

Another WordCamp means another great opportunity to network with new people and grow your network. For me it’s one of the most fun parts about these conferences is the ability to meet new people, influencers, speakers, and sponsors. From being able to get a quick selfie with a speaker or sponsor, to asking the person sitting next to you what cool app their using, you’re pretty much guaranteed to be inspired just by attending.
So have you attended a WordCamp before? If so let us know some of your tips and feedback in the comments below. If you haven’t, I highly recommend you check to see if there is one coming up in your area.
All Posts, Blog, Featured, Marketing, PRESS RELEASE
Pretty regularly I am asked about SEO, and my response is usually the same; I know a lot about it, but it’s a service that should be handled by a company who does that entirely. As a photographer and web designer, it’s part of my job to understand how SEO works on a basic and pragmatic level. However I am happy to introduce Rhett DeMille of PalmettoSoft.
What I like the most about Rhett is that he’s got the same approach to customer service as I do. In the way that taking time to explain how his process works, understanding the true needs of his clients, and proving his efforts with progress reports like the one below.

Rhett DeMille has been working in the IT field the last 14 years, and PalmettoSoft, his current company, will turn 11 this May. In the earlier days, most his professional time was spent on web design projects and their associated customer support efforts. Fast forward to four hundred websites later; his company now specializes in Internet marketing where he leverages previous experience to create custom solutions which help businesses grow.

Rhett also serves as the account manager for his clients so he can have a high level understanding of each account at all times. To further bolster this effort, his managers work through project management software with built in methodologies and business rules to always provide customers timely and professional service. Basically all projects and tasks are tracked and recorded to ensure the best client service available– all with a personal touch.
Moving forward, PalmettoSoft strives to continue to help businesses grow by utilizing experience, ethics and sound principles in the quick and ever changing world of the Internet.
Be sure to check out Rhett’s website and apply for the Free SEO Analysis that he offers. You’d be surprised what you’d learn from just that report. Then you can create a marketing plan that will be successful for 2016.
About Design Theory, All Posts, Featured, News, PRESS RELEASE
I’m super excited to say that I have been featured in Gotta Get Blogging’s Blogger of the Month for December. Bess Auer heads up that organization that helps out bloggers whether beginner to professional to get exposure, grow their reach, and more.
I was asked a few questions about blogging. Check out my responses along with an upcoming event Florida Blog Con Forum on March 2016.
Click the image below to read the article: