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Common Questions and Basic Usage of the Yoast SEO Plugin

Common Questions and Basic Usage of the Yoast SEO Plugin

If your website is built using WordPress, you're probably going to want to get it indexed for Google in the best way possible. Using the Yoast SEO plugin will help you do just that and some more. It's one of the leading SEO plugins for WordPress websites and widely...

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Is Your WordPress Website Up to Date?

It's been about four years now that we've been working exclusively in WordPress when building websites for clients. We switched over to it as a test with some websites that needed the ability to make content updates on a regular basis, then found it to be so much more...

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How To: Create a New User Profile in WordPress

How To: Create a New User Profile in WordPress

Creating a new user profile is essential when you're going to have multiple people accessing your website. Below are the available roles for user profiles and what access and rights they have. Administrator – The main account(s) with access to everything. Usually...

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Dealing With Setbacks

If you've been in this industry for a while sooner or later you'll come to a hiccup or worse a wall. Whether you're a freelancer or the owner of a design firm or anywhere in between you're not immune from the reality of circumstances and bad luck....

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LinkedIn Endorsements [EXPLAINED]

If you've been checking your emails over the past few weeks, chances are you've seen a bunch from Linked In with these messages from your connections endorsing you. When I first saw these I actually didn't pay it much attention because it didn't...

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Photography Friday (3.8.13)

I recently did some more practice shots with my Nikon in my neighborhood. This time out I was with a good friend of mine Justin, shooting and below are the results. For me, I think I prefer to shoot portraits, though I enjoy practicing with...

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Website Attacks From China

You may have received a few web form submissions on your website that at first would seem like a bunch of HTML coding garbage with an email address and name that make absolutely no sense. I did a bit of research and found out that these are from...

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