Providing User Access to Your MailChimp Account

Providing User Access to Your MailChimp Account

There’s another option for giving access to your MailChimp account without needing to provide your account username and password. In our agency we prefer the following approach because we’re able to gain access to our client accounts at different levels, and access is relatively instant.

Follow These steps:

Log into your MailChimp account and click on your profile icon that is located at the top right of your screen

Step 1

On this next screen you’ll see a menu listed under your account/profile name. Click on Settings and it will drop down a sub-menu, and then you can click on Users.

Step 2

This next screen you may see a list of users if there was previous access already provided. So it’s a good time to check to ensure the right people should still have access and revoke access to any that no longer need it.

You’ll see a Invite User button on the right of your screen, click on that.

Step 3

Now you’ll enter in the email address for whom you’d like to invite to your account to have access. You’ll see a list of options below for: Viewer, Author, Manager, and Admin. For most cases providing Author access will be sufficient. Enter the email address of the person you want to grant access to, then choose an option in the User type section. Add an optional message to share instructions or other information for that person. Once you’re done with your selections you can click on the Send Invite button located just below the entries.

Step 4
The email invitation asks the recipient to join your account under the user level you selected. The recipient can create a new username and password, or log in with their existing Mailchimp account. To better protect accounts with multiple users, add 2-factor authentication to your Mailchimp account.

Why Your HOA Needs Its Own Domain Name

Why Your HOA Needs Its Own Domain Name

Let’s face it, we all live in a digital world. Some more than others, but still we all are faced with having to learn or navigate this online space for daily needs. Home Owners Associations (HOAs) are not exempt from the necessity of carving out their own space in the digital world. A dedicated domain name, like “,” is more than just an address on the internet; it’s a powerful tool that can enhance communication, streamline operations, and foster a sense of community. Let me explain the many advantages of an HOA registering and using its own domain name.

Enhanced Communication and Community Engagement

Imagine having a centralized platform where community residents can stay up-to-date with neighborhood news, upcoming events, and important updates. An informational website under your HOA’s domain can serve as this hub, ensuring that all residents have access to timely and accurate information. This not only improves transparency within the community but also fosters a stronger sense of belonging among residents. Most HOA’s have neighborhood documents, rules and guideline packets, and even the convenience to pay dues online.

Use Case: Community Event Planning

An HOA plans to organize a summer barbecue and wishes to gauge interest, collect RSVPs, and disseminate event details. How long do you think it would take to canvas a whole neighborhood, house by house, to attain even 75% of the residents feedback? By utilizing their website, they can easily share this information, update it in real-time, and even create an interactive platform for residents to volunteer or ask questions.

Professionalism and Security in Communications

Custom email addresses (e.g., not only add a layer of professionalism but also ensure security and privacy in communications. When board members communicate with service providers, third-party businesses, and residents using their official HOA email, it elevates the association’s credibility and establishes trust. We’ve seen it in some cases where personal email accounts are being used by governing Board Members ( and you can imagine how off-putting seeing that address in your inbox may be. Or imagine an outgoing Board Member having to comb through a year or two of sent and received emails to forward them to the next Board Member taking their place? Or worse the new Board Member never getting access to any previous dialog that happened and having to start from scratch with no prior discord knowledge.

Use Case: Contract Negotiation

When negotiating contracts with service providers, an email sent from a custom domain ( carries more weight and professionalism than a generic one at Yahoo, AOL, Gmail, or Hotmail. This can lead to better service terms and reinforces the seriousness of the HOA in upholding community standards.

Seamless Transition and Data Sharing

HOAs often face the challenge of transitioning duties and information from outgoing board members to newcomers. A domain with integrated cloud storage solutions can simplify this process, ensuring continuous access to essential documents, contacts, and historical data. This digital continuity is crucial for maintaining the integrity and smooth operation of the HOA.

Additional Benefits

  • Increased Visibility: A well-designed HOA website improves the community’s visibility online, attracting potential homebuyers and elevating property values.
  • Online Payment Portals: Simplify dues collection and financial management with integrated payment solutions on your domain.
  • Feedback Mechanism: Implement forms and surveys on the website to collect resident feedback, making them feel heard and valued.

I hope this short article helps explain the many advantages of an HOA having their own custom domain name. If you have questions about how to get one set up, get custom email accounts, and maybe even setup a website, click here to contact us and we’d be happy to listen to your use case and provide you a solution that will certainly make you feel at ease and be the hero for your neighborhood or organization!

Professional Networking in Orlando

Professional Networking in Orlando

Networking is more than just exchanging business cards or adding new contacts on LinkedIn; it’s about creating meaningful connections that with honest intentions for mutual growth and professional opportunities. As someone who has navigated the vibrant business landscape of Orlando for years, I’ve learned insights and strategies that have not only helped me overcome the initial jitters of networking but also build lasting relationships in the professional community including many that I still have to this day. Here’s how you can do the same.

Embrace the Power of Connection

Orlando has a dynamic business environment is that is full of opportunities for professionals that are eager to expand their network. The key is to approach networking with a mindset of building connections rather than mere transactions. Add in the intention of seeking 1 or 2 people in the room that you may be able to provide help or insight to, and you’ll really leave a lasting impression. Remember, the most fruitful relationships are built on genuine interest and mutual respect.

Finding Your Circle

One of the most effective strategies I use is to look for groups of people at networking events and approach them with subtlety. Wait for a moment when someone makes eye contact or gives a nod, it’s usually a signal that it’s okay to join the conversation. This non-intrusive approach respects the existing dynamic and gently opens the door for you to be welcomed. Once you’re part of the circle, engage in the conversation with intent. Ask thoughtful questions and listen actively. Repeat back parts of what someone says to demonstrate that you’re not just hearing but truly listening. This not only helps in making the conversation more engaging but also in remembering the key points about each person, which can be invaluable when following up.

The Art of the Soft Sell

A common misstep in networking is leading with a sales pitch. Don’t be that person! This approach can feel transactional and off-putting. Instead, focus on building a rapport without any immediate expectation of getting something in return. The goal is to foster a connection that could naturally lead to business opportunities in the future.

Overcoming Nervousness

It’s natural to feel nervous when stepping into a room full of strangers, especially when the pressure to make meaningful connections is high. When you get nervous, remind yourself that most everyone in the same place right now are also just as nervous. Some things you can do to help with that is to prepare an Elevator Pitch. Having a concise and compelling way to introduce yourself can boost your confidence and make a strong first impression. It’s not something you’re going to come up with overnight, and although the process can be tough, trust it because you’ll instantly see when you deliver it right and it’ll feel amazing!

Set Realistic goals for yourself. Instead of aiming to meet everyone in the room, set a goal to have meaningful conversations with maybe five or six people. Try out different types of events like Toastmasters, Speed Networking, Lunch & Learns, and After Hours Socials. The variety will get you exposed to various types of people in settings that you may find you’re most comfortable at and the connection opportunities to be of the better quality.

Timely Follow-Ups

This is probably the most crucial tip of all that I have to give, which is to make time first thing the next morning and send an intentional direct email. Part of my workflow is to send a warm email and include a memorable part of the event that the person I’m emailing and I shared so that I help to jog their memory and also show that I honestly remember them. Then I add them to my mailing list. Depending on how well the interaction went I will search for them on Linked In and if they’re active enough, I’ll ask to connect with them and use a personal short message with the connection request.

Networking in Orlando’s bustling business environment can be incredibly rewarding if approached with the right strategies. One of my mottos is “You’re only one connection away from your biggest deal”. It’s true though because as I think about some of the colleagues I have; I can name a few that have access to a private jet, own multiple properties, own large organizations, and manage multiple businesses. The key thing is knowing how to leverage those relationships and contacts with a mutual gain. If you’re starting out, focus on genuine connections, listening actively, and following up effectively, you can turn brief encounters into lasting professional relationships. Oh and remember, networking is a skill that improves with practice, so don’t be discouraged by initial setbacks. With each event, you’ll grow more comfortable and get much better at navigating the art of professional networking.

Florida Annual Report – Sunbiz Filing for Businesses

Florida Annual Report – Sunbiz Filing for Businesses

Every year at this time is when the Annual Report filing window opens. This is required any for-profit corporation, limited liability limited partnership, or limited liability limited partnership. Click here to read more on the Sunbiz website. We like to put out a gentle reminder for this because there is a wide window to submit your business’ information and pay before May 1st. Failing to do so may result in a $400 late fee. Here at Design Theory, we have this as a recurring calendar item in red and for the whole week to help remind us of this and ensure we take action. It doesn’t take long to perform this, especially if you don’t have many (if any changes) in the information about your business details, location, and managers.

Annual Report Fees



Annual Report – Profit Corporation $150.00
Annual Report – Non-Profit Corporation $61.25
Annual Report – Limited Liability Company $138.75
Annual Report – Limited Partnership or Limited Liability Limited Partnership $500.00


You may receive letters in the mail or even emails from companies requiring you to pay them to file your Annual Report for your business. Be careful on those because some may charge a fee to file on your behalf. And in this day of phishing and digital fraud, you should do your own research and diligence to ensure the authenticity of any solicitation and its merits. If you’re unsure if your business or organization should be paying or how to pay, be sure to contact a representative with the information below

Florida Department of State
The Centre of Tallahassee
2415 N. Monroe Street, Suite 810
Tallahassee, FL 32303
850.245.6014 (fax)