3 Question Interview: Carol Gann of Orlando Web Wizard

3 Question Interview: Carol Gann of Orlando Web Wizard

Carol Gann Head Shot Photo Shoot-10Over the years of networking and working in Orlando’s design community, I’ve met and befriended a lot of people. One of those is Carol Gann. She’s one of the sweetest people you’ll meet with a wealth of information for people in small businesses looking to create a web presence.

Question 1: In your option, what’s the biggest value a small business would appreciate with managed hosting? 

Managed website security and updates enable the small business owner to manage their online marketing. The Internet is not a stable environment. A WordPress website needs maintenance just like a home or car. Any number of things can go wrong in a hosting environment. The benefit of managed care is the small business owner doesn’t need to be concerned with their website getting hacked or becoming data corrupted. This saves them time and money.

Question 2: What do you do to educate your customers about their WordPress websites? 

We teach clients how to use their WordPress websites to get customers attention through inbound marketing by blogging and list management. We empower clients by teaching them to create their own lead and funnel pages. We’re in the process of developing MasteryWP an online education system with these goals. We turn WordPress into a CRM and teach them how to effectively use it. We create custom Google and Bing analytics to track marketing campaigns. We also give consultation to develop an online marketing plan.

Question 3: Whats the most challenging aspect of a firm that most of your clients wouldn’t know from the outside looking in? 

As an older woman in a predominately male industry and of small stature, with a soft voice, I think it is harder for me to gain trust and respect; until I talk with people to develop a relationship.  I think most people are surprised by my level of expertise and I work hard as a lifetime learner. I embrace the WordPress Community with open source principles and the code of conduct. This community has equal opportunity for everyone. Open Source Citizenship is friendly, safe, welcoming, and truly open for everyone. I wish the whole would value and follow Open Source Citizenship principles.


For more from Carol, be sure to visit her website Orlando Web Wizard and see all the services offered.  Stay tuned for more quick interviews with other business professionals.

Attn Orlando: Upcoming Facebook Training

This post is part of our Reluctant Social Media Manager series, support for those of us who want measurable social media results with the least amount of effort.

This year has been full of excitement for Design Theory, and this summer is no exception.  Earlier this year we launched new services including Managed Hosting, Social Media Management, and the profitable sales tool Automated Virtual Chat.

We’re pleased to announce that starting this summer we will be providing Facebook Training Classes for the Orlando area.  We’ve developed a curriculum that will take any Facebook Business Page manager from novice to expert.  Our classes cover all of the basics – setting up and managing a Facebook Page, Facebook Best Practices, and Advertising.  We’ll go into some advanced topics such as: Managing Ads, Campaign Optimization, Targeting and Insights.

In February I provided a talk on Facebook advertising at WordCamp Miami (you can watch it here) and the response was overwhelming.  I was flooded with so many questions after the session, that I realized there is a need for classroom style Facebook training.  There are tons of resources online to help you learn how to leverage Facebook for your business, but if you’re like me – there’s nothing like having someone sit with you and work on your own website.

WordCamp Miami 2016

Our classes are designed to be hands on, lab-style.  Our students will bring their own machines and log into their own Facebook Pages with me right there in the room guiding them each step of the way.  Our first classes will be held later this summer.  Click here to join our waitlist and receive a discount on your first class.

Share this email with any entrepreneur you know who could use a little Facebook Management assistance.

Photo Friday: Jarrod Speaks

Photo Friday: Jarrod Speaks

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These are some sample photos from an action, portrait, and book cover shoot. Jarrod is an author as well as a speaker. He is a high energy guy and that made this shoot really fun to do. From jumping to rehearsing a moc keynote speech, we had probably over 500 frames that were all good but still had to narrow down to the best to use for promotional reasons. Check him out on his website for more.

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Artegon Fashion Night Featuring FYABT & Humble Brand

Artegon Fashion Night Featuring FYABT & Humble Brand

I recently attended a fashion event at the Artegon Mall at Studio One where there was a number of local fashion designers with their collections on display. There were canvas and paint artists, jewelry, music, clothing, and more. I did enjoy the atmosphere and the vibe of the night, but don’t just take my word for it, check out the photos below and see for yourself.

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Photo Friday: Fashion Shoot with Amateur Model Danny

Photo Friday: Fashion Shoot with Amateur Model Danny

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We recently had a photo shoot with an amateur model, Danny. He just got a platinum hair style and wanted to show off his new look. This was a casual shoot with about 3 speed lights including one soft boxes.

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