Get Some Quick Tips
We publish weekly so be sure and subscribe!Facebook Messenger is now Available as a Desktop App
I was going through some emails and came across a press release from F8 where they demo Messenger as a desktop app and that made me smile. So before I get into my view on this, you can go ahead and download it free on the Mac App Store as well as the Microsoft App...
Blab Replay: A Novice Look at Snapchat
Earlier this week on Blab, we did our show talking about Snapchat at a really basic and superficial level. I'll be honest I've only used it personally a few times in the last 6 months, and don't know all there is to know about the application. So Bess and I figured...
Blab Replay: Social Media Tips & Tools for the Trade
This week's Blab was a rapid fire one! We dished out a bunch of apps, websites, tips, and tools for social media, engagement, websites and more. When I think back at it, it really was a LOT! The objective at the beginning of any year is to do more and do better. With...
Wynwood Walls Miami: My First Visit as a Photographer
Last month on the first week of December I made a trip down to Miami for Art Basel. I'll write a post about my experience with that soon, but what I wanted to show was some of what I shot of the Wynwood Walls area not far from Miami Beach. During the week of Art...
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Image Optimization And Why It’s Important
Have you ever been to a website that loaded very slowly? Did that website have some images that loaded abnormally slow, even though they weren't that large in size? The reason for that may be that the images were re-sized improperly, most likely...
5 Ways To Increase Your Blog Following
Many more small businesses are waking up to the idea of blogging. This makes us at Design Theory pretty happy because we preach about the importance of a blog for our clients and partners. Though not all blogs are created equal, there are different...
They Trust Me, They Trust Me Not? A Client Relationship & Retention Discussion
Trust is one of the hardest things to give to another person in our personal lives let alone in business. However when we do decide to give it, it’s because the person has portrayed themselves in an unquestionably, trustworthy manner or have at...
What’s On Your Website Menu?
Getting creative on websites can sometimes feel constrained due to traditional layouts and verbiage, and most certainly when it comes to navigation bar and menus. Many of us think that we need to have the standard, cookie-cutter menu navigation...
Free Web Button Collection
TGIF! Time for some free stuff! Check out this collection of free web buttons, provided by You can download the collection in .PSD format for easy editing in Adobe Photoshop. Enjoy! Download the collection »
Designer’s Tool Belt; Must Have Apps & Devices [April Edition]
When I first got started in web design, I think I only had my hands on a few pieces of software. A few resources for fonts and no books rhyme or reason. For me it was a nail in the coffin from years of doing mobile computer repair and door to door...
FAQ or Fiction
Is it really necessary for a small company to have website? Can I really make SEO work for me? Can blogging really benefit my company? Is this all just a waste of time and is any of this profitable? In a very Dr. Phil-ish candidness,...