I’m sitting at a Starbucks getting ready to do some client work. I had already picked up my little dried fruit snacks and fruit drink. Ironically no coffee since I don’t want to make it back to back late night, so that’s why I chose the fruit juice instead. Upon signing in I am brought to a quick pop-up window for a poll that I am fairly used to when coming here.
What’s different about this poll among others I’ve participated before was this question that resonated a lot closer to me as an internet creative than others before. This one asked what I craved more, internet or coffee. Normally I’d quickly choose my poll answer and continue about my business. Sometimes I’d check the answers to see how much of a difference in range it could be. This time I was kind of amazed that it was an even draw for the answers.
Over forty-seven thousand people answered this poll and it was even? Really? That’s strange and amazing to me at the same time. I’ve never really thought of one without the other, but clearly people do and both are equally important to many.
I haven’t used a poll for my own gain in my reach or business knowledge yet. There’s a bunch of good sites out there that offer good polls from free to premium like Google Forms and Survey Monkey, but for some reason I haven’t tried. I can’t tell you why I haven’t, but I’ll say it’s mostly due to laziness and lack of priority among other things. Meh, I’m just being honest. However the amount of data that I’d be able to get even if ten people out of 30 participated in my poll.
Questions could be:
- Do you prefer the ability to make updates to your website on your own, or would you pay a small fee to have a web designer do them for you so you can save time?
- Do you prefer having professional photos all digital, or would you pay to have some prints as well as have some digital?
I know those are questions I ask potential clients from time to time, but I don’t track it, and I certainly can’t identify a trend. Could be the way I ask or whom I ask I suppose. Still if you could create a poll right now, what would you ask? What would you like to know about your services or product or website that you don’t really know full feedback about? Lets talk about it in the comments below. Oh, and I chose internet!
Let’s face it, distractions are a good part of our day if you’re spending it on a computer. Being a creative, I have laptops, a tablet, a smart phone and probably notifications and bells going on each at random times of the day and night. Yea even at night. Especially when hanging with friends when I try to pay them attention when I get a notification about something from a client while at dinner.
It’s rude. Not just to the people around me, but to my life and what I could be doing at the moment of the interruption. I used to feel so productive and now a days I end my days not sure if I was productive or just kicked some cans down the road for another day.
I used to look forward to weekends like they were my escape from my busy work week. Now my weekends are a busy blur of projects and tasks I didn’t finish during the week because of my interruptions, lack of focus, and distractions.
So what I’m I going to do about it? Well like a recovering 12 step plan, I’m first going to admit that I have a problem. I enjoy my distractions. Yea I said it. Deep down I’m proud of them too. I feel important and needed. My client needs me to do this, my virtual villagers need me to do this, I need more engagements on social media, blah! The appearance of looking official and busy like the shows I watch have consumed me.
So now that all that is out of the way, what am I going to do about it? Time to keep myself honest and remove my self-destructive interruptions and gain back the precious minutes and eventually hours of my day. I’m going to write down clear objectives for each day and get all of them done. Then close the lid of my laptop and not open it again until the next morning. I’m going to disable my group chat notifications and only check them twice a day when I literally get up and walk away from my desk for a scheduled break. My email app will no longer stay open all day. I’ll check it at the top of every hour like it was the post man doing a scheduled delivery. No more business emails on my phone. (Well, maybe I don’t want to get ahead of myself) And finally, weekends will be truly a time to relax. If I take a meeting it’s because money is being given to me to start a project. Otherwise it can wait till Monday.
Now what about you? Any distractions keeping you from being truly productive in your day? Let me know in the comments below and let’s all compare and laugh a little.
All Posts, Blog, WordPress
Ever come across a website that you really like? Sure we all do from time to time. Since over 27% of websites on the web are using WordPress, and with the tons and tons of available plugins out there, you’re going to come across some functionality that you would like to add t your own website.
I came across a nice little browser add-on called SpyBar.

The browser add-on as you can see shows you a list of the plugins and theme being used as well as a hotlink for you to Google the items and get more information about them.
The cost of this add-on is $12.95. And with this you’ll have a new tool for your web creating arsenal. Be sure to let us know in the comments below how you intent on using this or ways that this can help.
Blog, Social Media
These days in just about everything we do, we’re just about accustomed to seeing a commercial, banner, popup, or some type of advertisement trying to get our attention. Even if the attention is only for a few seconds, winning our eyes for just those seconds can change our buying patters and perceptions to brands in a big way. While I won’t get into the science of marketing and mind control, I’ll keep this on topic for social media and the landscape.
I don’t think any social network can solicit ads better than Facebook. They’ve integrated targeted ads at the bottom of images, post threads, and the sidebars. While to most avid users of Facebook, one can train themselves to continue to use the social network and easily ignore the ads. Today I noticed my first sponsored ad in my stream of Instagram. I was a little shocked because I pretty much know all the people I follow and used to the normal content. That all changed when I saw this ad for a TV show that took my by complete surprise.
There have been plans for incorporating ads into IG I think before the Facebook buyout, but with Facebook doing what they already do well, I think ads were inevitable. Anyways, so the ad (see the screenshot below) was a high resolution photo with a TNT logo embedded and that was my first tip off. While a bit subtle it was noticed. There wasn’t enough for me to get a real gist of the program but there was a hashtag and a time and date for the next show on the network.

There was about 42 comments and I think there is where all the comedy was. Some people were complaining for seeing the add, some identified the actor with praise, and of course plenty of sarcasm.
But What Does All This Mean for Avid Instagram Users?
Will you entertain paying big money to advertise your brand, services, products on the powerhouse that is IG? I’ll ask you a better question, how are you currently selling or reselling your brand to your existing audience? Your website is your information stream. People come to it daily for information, there should be subtle ways for you to turn something into revenue. Whether that stream comes from eyes to your website, then a call to action, then an email to buy something at a discount, there should be something in place. Especially if your business is structured to have reoccurring or frequent users – you have their eyes at attention that should be introduced (softly) to strategically placed similar products, well placed ads, or something that encourages an emotion to further engage with your business.
Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid
Sure I mentioned earlier that most of us are trained to ignore ads and commercial offerings, you must remember why people are using a service, website, or app in the first place. They’ve already been sold on it. So unless something comes around offering a better experience all around, and everyone they know have moved, they’re not going anywhere. Sure some will complain but they’ll continue to use it because all of their friends and coworkers still use it.
I remember when the threat of photo ownership was at risk in IG and people had a mass exodus from the site deleting photos and terminating accounts like it was an Occupy Wall Street protest. I was in the number by the way – (no shame). Then I came back with a new handle and a new perspective on what I decide to post and what I’ll reserve for my own publishing.

You can’t be obnoxious with your offerings and sales pitches. You’ve gotta slide them in there in a real subtle and non-obtrusive way. You also have to make it something that will spark engagement. Even if some it will be negative. Some of the negative will serve as good feedback on how to do better.
How Can You Tell If It Is Working?
Google Analytics is your best friend. Use it. Setup a benchmark for when you’re going to launch your new campaigns and compare that to what was happening on your website a month prior. Even to the week before, see what your numbers look like. See what your sign ups look like. See what your sales are like. See what your emails are like.
Sales Trigger Ideas?
Here are some ideas you can use:
- A call to action with a form
- A popup window on entry or exit of your website tied to your mailing list (I would suggest MailChimp)
- Create new and keyword rich landing pages
- Once a day try offering a special deal to one of your more engaged followers on each of your social media accounts. (tell them they one a free something or discounted something)
- Create a timed sale or discount. One that has to be used within a certain period of time that day or within the next 24 hours. This will create a sense of urgency
- Cross promote your brand with an associated business or service
- Invite your followers to post pictures on their social apps with your products (something branded) and tag/mention you
- Create your own ads that are linked back to your products when sending out emails
These are just a few ideas, there are plenty more out there. Why not share your efforts and ideas in the comments below and lets have a discussion!
All Posts, Blog
This morning at the Florida Blogger Conference, the opening speaker was the Senior Vice President of the Orlando Magic. While I’ve never met him before, his name was familiar. His keynote was really inspiring and transparent to some personal struggles in his life that people normally don’t share. While I wont dive into that, believe me when I say that I have a great respect for him, where he’s been, and his aspirations for where he is going.
He provided his 10 Step Foundational Building Blocks to making your dreams come true. (Unofficial Title). Check them out below:
- Think the right kind of thoughts (what you think about all day will eventually become a reality in your life)
- Say the right kind of words (The words that we speak also have a way of becoming reality)
- Be specific in-goal setting (You need short, mid, and long-range goals) They need to be written down, reviewed often, revised often, and deadlines set.
- You are responsible
- Seek out the right kind of friends
- Take your hurts, pain, setbacks and disappointments and turn them into strengths. It’s through the tough times that great advancements are made.
- Go the second mile. Do twice of what is expected of you. (What else… can I do, contribute, offer)
- Never give up. (read about the life of Walt Disney. Went bankrupt 12+ times) #sticktoitivity – a word created by Walt meaning simply to never give up.
- Character counts. Honesty, integrity, humility, courage
- Live your life by the faith phenomenon
Bonus: Practice these everyday!
So after reading all of these are you ready to print them out and post them on your cubicle wall or bathroom mirror? I think the key to this actually working is practicing these steps every day. Want to hear more about Pat, check out his book Leadership Excellence. You can see his other books on Amazon here as well.
Blog, Marketing, Product Reviews
Yes it’s here – the apple of everyone’s eye yesterday and today, is Apple’s new iPhone 5S and 5c. And once again, Apple gets an gold star for creating strong marketing buzz and panting anticipation in the mobile device marketplace. Radio, TV, or Internet – news media outlets across the globe are all busy buzzing around Apples latest technological appendage and its new iOS7. Just when you think they’ve outdone themselves with the iPhone 4S operating system and the introduction of Siri, they one up (if not ten) themselves. So let’s look at the multifaceted dimensions of the Apple’s winning marketing strategies.
Marketing the Technology and Software: Apple refuses to be put in a pile of seconds (fruit picking term), knowing their consumer base well and leading this campaign with the technological improvements. Offering a synchronized and integrated user experience across all features, the new iOS7 takes multitasking to a whole new level! Techies and mobile junkies are going to love the new A7 64-bit chip, making the device’s CPU and graphics 2x faster than the iPhone 5. For the snappy Instagram’er, the iOS 7 is designed with multiple enhancements to take advantage of the best photo ops. They even upgraded Siri – I wonder if she sounds like Beyonce?
Marketing the Esthetics – Apple has gone above and beyond in marketing the beautiful color options, as well as, the structural elements. Almost all media outlets have spoken about the product and technology, and as well, the beautiful color options and sleek design. As soon as you log into Apple’s site, you are hit with this on-screen color explosion that causes one to pause. I did – it was just that engaging! What you also see is a link to the key-note speaker which after just a few seconds – you can tell that the company is hearing its consumer groups. Much fun also, is this video, where you get the whole life cycle of the product in a comprehensible, down-to-earth manner.
Marketing the Security: Although the Fall may be Macintosh picking season, Apple has seemingly found a solution to its own Apple picking problem and it’s WOW’ing the digital marketplace. Thievery of its iPhones, commonly referred to as “Apple Picking,” has been a big problem over the years for this mobile technology powerhouse. So Apple has implemented Touch ID, a new fingerprint authentication feature (also known as biometric coding) into the iPhone 5S, making it less appealing and almost worthless to those with sticky fingers. They get my thumbs up, knowing that a fingerprint can also approve purchases from iTunes or the App Store.
Marketing the Price Points: The bean counters have taken notice and Apple is now marketing to everyone – siding with consumers who want the product but are limited economically. Who can beat the 4-inch Retina display, 8-megapixel rear camera (front facing too) and A6 processor with 16GB for only $99? This is smart marketing for all those on limited budgets and feeling the economic pinch. As for those who want Gold Member status, you’ll love the sleek gold tone version that’s just a month’s worth of Starbucks runs. Apple has done a great job marketing both mobile phone options simultaneously, to widen the net for capturing potential and faithful consumers with a strong economical hook. Thanks Apple for advancing mobile technology once gain and giving us better technology for less.
Marketing to the Following: By offering 2 options, Apple captures not only its faithful following who could care less about the price, but also those who haven’t bitten the iPhone apple just yet. Despite the global recession, historically Apple has made no apologies for their high-end products. However, offering a cheaper alternative, one could surmise that the time and sales reports may be reflecting an undeniable truth. Build it better, offer it cheaper and more will come. Kudos to them for acknowledging this and casting a wider net beyond just their faithful following to the soon-to-be’s.
So, as you can see, Apple is strongly considering its consumer’s input and is addressing those needs esthetically and technologically. It’s obvious that they have the fingers on the pulse of their marketplace and following. They continue to be pioneers and leaders, again setting a gold standard in strong, strategic planning and successful implementation.