Photo Friday: Fashion Shoot with Amateur Model Danny

Photo Friday: Fashion Shoot with Amateur Model Danny

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We recently had a photo shoot with an amateur model, Danny. He just got a platinum hair style and wanted to show off his new look. This was a casual shoot with about 3 speed lights including one soft boxes.

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New Partnership for SEO and Strategetic Online Marketing: PalmettoSoft

Pretty regularly I am asked about SEO, and my response is usually the same; I know a lot about it, but it’s a service that should be handled by a company who does that entirely. As a photographer and web designer, it’s part of my job to understand how SEO works on a basic and pragmatic level. However I am happy to introduce Rhett DeMille of PalmettoSoft.

What I like the most about Rhett is that he’s got the same approach to customer service as I do. In the way that taking time to explain how his process works, understanding the true needs of his clients, and proving his efforts with progress reports like the one below.

Palmetto Soft - Sample Report 1


Rhett DeMille has been working in the IT field the last 14 years, and PalmettoSoft, his current company, will turn 11 this May. In the earlier days, most his professional time was spent on web design projects and their associated customer support efforts. Fast forward to four hundred websites later; his company now specializes in Internet marketing where he leverages previous experience to create custom solutions which help businesses grow.

Rhett DeMille

Rhett also serves as the account manager for his clients so he can have a high level understanding of each account at all times. To further bolster this effort, his managers work through project management software with built in methodologies and business rules to always provide customers timely and professional service. Basically all projects and tasks are tracked and recorded to ensure the best client service available– all with a personal touch.

Moving forward, PalmettoSoft strives to continue to help businesses grow by utilizing experience, ethics and sound principles in the quick and ever changing world of the Internet.

Be sure to check out Rhett’s website and apply for the Free SEO Analysis that he offers. You’d be surprised what you’d learn from just that report. Then you can create a marketing plan that will be successful for 2016.

Blab Replays: Time Saving Apps for Blogging and Social Media

Blab Replays: Time Saving Apps for Blogging and Social Media

Hey everyone! Back with another replay. This time Bess and I were talking about some time-saving apps that we use everyday. We also had some guests jump on and discuss some apps that they use also. On top of all that, there were a bunch of app suggestions by viewers in the chat room as well.

While the show was fantastic and full in great tips, there’s too much to type. So I highly suggest you watch the replay and have a pen and paper ready to write down the app suggestions. A lot of the suggestions were for free apps, and some freemium (meaning free options, then a paid model for more features). Check it out and let me know what you think!

How Stable Is Your FREE Online Photo Storage?

Being a photographer, I tend to back up my photos in multiple locations. I have them on my laptop, a backup USB drive, then another USB drive that is stored in a safe. I sometimes save my best photos online on Flickr since I have about 2 terabytes in storage, as well as my other online portfolio site of 500px.

All of these locations are part of my process to have some piece of mind if in case something goes wrong. Well today I saw in article on WebDesignLedger where they were claiming that Yahoo is downsizing. You can read the full article here. My concern with this feels falls first to my “free” account with Flickr. Yahoo purchased Flickr in 2005, so about 11 years ago. I won’t go into the changes and improvements of Flickr since, but the ability to store 2tb of photos online is great, I am aware that Yahoo’s financial performance has been declining so how they decide to deal with the picture website will be closely watched.

For those of you like me, it may be a good time to take stock of what you have loaded to Flickr, and be sure you have your originals saved somewhere in your library. If you don’t be sure to download your photos and save them as well as connect with your followers on other means like their other social media websites and online groups.

Here are a list of alternatives you may want to consider should you need another online repository:

Google PhotosGoogle Photos – While this offers unlimited “high quality” photo uploads. Uploading RAW files will count agains a 1.5Gb storage quota.

Amazon StorageAmazon Cloud Storage – Offers unlimited cloud storage for about $60.00 a year. There is an inexpensive option for still unlimited photos, but a 5gb limit on video files. This plan is about $12.00 a year.

DropboxDropbox – While you do get up to 5g of free storage, you will then need to pay for an upgraded annual account. $10 a month for up to 1tb, or $15 a month for unlimited storage and managed file and folder permission controls.

Have more questions on this? Or do you have some great other options for online storage? Let us know in the comments below.


Blab Replays: Time Saving Apps for Blogging and Social Media

Using Blab to Create Unique Content [VIDEO INSIDE]

Just this morning Bess Auer and I hosted a show on Blab. If you’re not familiar with Blab, it’s a cool new video platform that works with Twitter in the like of Periscope, yet can allow for up to four people to be shown “Brady Bunch” style at once. My first time being on a Blab was with Bess the week of Florida Blog Con. We got on there to talk about the upcoming conference, the speakers, what attendees could expect and more. Viewers are able to sign in via Twitter, and engage with us and others via the chat bar on the right and ask questions, comments, share and more.

Below is a Blab from this morning where we spoke with Joshua Johnson, Dan McGaw, Chef Dennis, and more about how to use Blab, as well as other ways to tell a story about your brand or initiative online. It was a great show and I insist you click play to watch and listen.

Bess and I will be continuing this #BlogTalkTuesday show each Tuesday morning at 10:10AM. Be sure to subscribe here for our next show for October 20th.