Common Questions and Basic Usage of the Yoast SEO Plugin

Common Questions and Basic Usage of the Yoast SEO Plugin

If your website is built using WordPress, you’re probably going to want to get it indexed for Google in the best way possible. Using the Yoast SEO plugin will help you do just that and some more. It’s one of the leading SEO plugins for WordPress websites and widely used. In this video we discuss common questions people have about the plugin as well as best practices.

Is Your WordPress Website Up to Date?

It’s been about four years now that we’ve been working exclusively in WordPress when building websites for clients. We switched over to it as a test with some websites that needed the ability to make content updates on a regular basis, then found it to be so much more resourceful than how we were building our regular HTML websites. And now WordPress sites take up about 26% of websites built on the internet.  Pretty cool right?!

For those of you using WordPress though will want to make sure you’re always using the latest version of the platform. There are a few quick reasons why:

  • New Functions and Features – With the version updates usually brings new functionality that makes the commonly used tools and options even easier for content creators. Image galleries are easier than ever before, content formatting is better, and so are the themes.
  • Security and Patches – Typically you’ll see these in the incremental updates to the versions, but these are always important to pay attention to. Because WordPress is open sourced and community driven, input from users of the platform are actually taken into account when issues are found. Yes even the small little hiccups matter to the developers because they’re able to track and culminate all of that data and package fixes that are then pushed through these updates for all to enjoy.

WordPress Support Request

What does this all mean? Don’t neglect your website. You may be one of the many owners that have several pending updates waiting for you to take action. Before you make those updates, be sure to read what is changing. It helps to understand this because there could be a reason why you shouldn’t update or possible test to see first if the updates will be compatible with your current theme, plugins, and custom settings.

Updates available on WordPress

You’ll want to check with your web consultant if you’re not sure, or you can always contact us and we can help with that too. Probably one of the more important things is to be sure and make a backup of your website prior to doing any updates. This could help in case something goes wrong or breaks, and then instead of troubleshooting, you can just restore a backup and then work out a plan for how to move forward.

Attn Orlando: Upcoming Facebook Training

This post is part of our Reluctant Social Media Manager series, support for those of us who want measurable social media results with the least amount of effort.

This year has been full of excitement for Design Theory, and this summer is no exception.  Earlier this year we launched new services including Managed Hosting, Social Media Management, and the profitable sales tool Automated Virtual Chat.

We’re pleased to announce that starting this summer we will be providing Facebook Training Classes for the Orlando area.  We’ve developed a curriculum that will take any Facebook Business Page manager from novice to expert.  Our classes cover all of the basics – setting up and managing a Facebook Page, Facebook Best Practices, and Advertising.  We’ll go into some advanced topics such as: Managing Ads, Campaign Optimization, Targeting and Insights.

In February I provided a talk on Facebook advertising at WordCamp Miami (you can watch it here) and the response was overwhelming.  I was flooded with so many questions after the session, that I realized there is a need for classroom style Facebook training.  There are tons of resources online to help you learn how to leverage Facebook for your business, but if you’re like me – there’s nothing like having someone sit with you and work on your own website.

WordCamp Miami 2016

Our classes are designed to be hands on, lab-style.  Our students will bring their own machines and log into their own Facebook Pages with me right there in the room guiding them each step of the way.  Our first classes will be held later this summer.  Click here to join our waitlist and receive a discount on your first class.

Share this email with any entrepreneur you know who could use a little Facebook Management assistance.

How To: Create a New Blog Post

How to: Install a New WordPress Plugin

Installing a new plugin for your WordPress site can be done in just a few minutes. You can either upload one from your computer that you’ve downloaded or search the WordPress repository for the plugin you’re looking to install directly to your website.

Follow the instructions in this video to install and activate your new plugin. If you have more questions or need help, be sure to add a comment below or visit our Contact page for support and we’d be happy to help.

Photo Friday: Jarrod Speaks

Photo Friday: Jarrod Speaks

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These are some sample photos from an action, portrait, and book cover shoot. Jarrod is an author as well as a speaker. He is a high energy guy and that made this shoot really fun to do. From jumping to rehearsing a moc keynote speech, we had probably over 500 frames that were all good but still had to narrow down to the best to use for promotional reasons. Check him out on his website for more.

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