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We publish weekly so be sure and subscribe!PODCAST & VIDEO REPLAY: How Your Content Strategy Can Grow Your Business (on How I Built)
Joe recently published this interview on YouTube from his podcast show that he invited me a few years ago. We talk about practical ways that business owners and entrepreneurs can create and publish content. The strategies we talk through are easy to understand and...
I Put My Email In Time Out
For the past few weeks I've been noticing how much my concentration is being broken by email. I will admit though that emails aren't the only cause of my momentary distractions, but I do notice how my mood may shift depending on just the subject line or the sender of...
Google analytics | What to Know as a Beginner [Full Presentation Slides]
This weekend I had the pleasure of being one of the speakers at the biggest blogging conference in Florida, FL Blog Con. My presentation was on Google Analytics, to help people who may be familiar using GA and those who have heard about it but haven’t really used it...
Increase Your Open Rates With Your Email Marketing [VIDEO]
This is a quick two minute tip on how to increase your email open rates for your newsletters. When it comes to managing your business, there's a bunch of outbound marketing efforts that you have to plan for. Email is still a great medium of transmitting information....
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Photo Friday: Grey and Beautiful
I recently did a shoot at the Edgewater Hotel in Winter Garden and one of my favorite photos was from the mother of a young actor/model. Reason why is because she was only there for her son and didn't think she'd be a good model to shoot. What...
Blab Replay: A Novice Look at Snapchat
Earlier this week on Blab, we did our show talking about Snapchat at a really basic and superficial level. I'll be honest I've only used it personally a few times in the last 6 months, and don't know all there is to know about the application. So...
Blab Replay: Social Media Tips & Tools for the Trade
This week's Blab was a rapid fire one! We dished out a bunch of apps, websites, tips, and tools for social media, engagement, websites and more. When I think back at it, it really was a LOT! The objective at the beginning of any year is to do more...
Wynwood Walls Miami: My First Visit as a Photographer
Last month on the first week of December I made a trip down to Miami for Art Basel. I'll write a post about my experience with that soon, but what I wanted to show was some of what I shot of the Wynwood Walls area not far from Miami Beach. During...
Blab Replay: Could This Be the Year of the Influencers?
For the past few weeks I've been really thinking on the impact of influencers when it comes to social media. Some of the ones I follow like RC Concepcion, Daniel Ruyter, and of course Bess Auer. I've been paying attention to the sponsored ads that...
Still Photo Animation: Parallax Effect
I have actually seen some of these types of "photo" over the last few years. When I did I thought it was video in either stop-motion or super slow motion clip. Come to find out it's a process called Still Photo Animation. There are graphic...
Blab Replay: More Marketing Tools & Tips for 2016
Hey everyone and Happy New Year! Well like most, I'm excited for the new year and new beginnings and strategies for my business. This week we continued on our topic from our last Blab Show were we discussed marketing tools, tips, and apps to use...