SEO Data and Strategy to Move Your Website Forward

SEO Data and Strategy to Move Your Website Forward

You’ve got a WordPress website, that’s great! Now you’re probably wondering how to get more people to see and visit it with all the hard work you put into it. Thankfully there’s plugins and strategy you can use to boost your search engine ranking, and you’ll be learning more about those during this presentation. 95% of everything shown and explained in this presentation are shovel ready items that you can take and put to work immediately on your own websites. If you’re looking for a custom solution or strategy for your email marketing efforts, please be sure to contact us so that we can help.

Easy Digital Marketing Strategies [For the Rest of 2020 and Beyond]

Easy Digital Marketing Strategies [For the Rest of 2020 and Beyond]

These slides are from a recent virtual business summit that I was honored to be a guest speaker for. With the way that most of this year has been, marketing efforts can be challenging. In order to stay relevant and make it through this time as a business owner, the relationship your business and brand has on your audience is crucial. 

The tips and strategies in these slides aren’t hard to pick up and start using today. However they are effective when you create a plan that can fit with your business model whether you are a product or service based business. If you’re looking for a custom solution or strategy for your email marketing efforts, please be sure to contact us so that we can help.

Email Marketing Tips and Strategies for Success

Email Marketing Tips and Strategies for Success

These are the slides from a recent presentation on Email Marketing. A video of the presentation will be available later, but in the meantime the slides are available for you to view and download below. 

If you’re a small business owner or entrepreneur and you’re looking to learn some ways to grow your email list and also learn marketing tips to help reach and grow your audience, this is the presentation for you. Now it’s nothing too technical or hard to follow. It’s mainly concepts and best practices along with some statistics to help you design, engage, and even automate your email marketing efforts. This presentation is high level and so anyone from any industry can take from this and put aspects of it into practice immediately. If you’re looking for a custom solution or strategy for your email marketing efforts, please be sure to contact us so that we can help. 

What Are Website Landing Pages

What Are Website Landing Pages

Landing Pages are a very necessary part of your digital strategy toolkit when it comes to your online efforts. While you may have heard about Landing Pages often enough, there are some things you should know about them if you are not yet using them on your website, or if you’re not sure about ways to effectively use them.

This video defines what landing pages are and also provides examples on how to use them. You can really level up your marketing efforts by utilizing several different landing pages on your website with different flavors and offerings of your products and services with items that provide value to your visitors and readers.

Facebook Messenger is now Available as a Desktop App

Facebook Messenger is now Available as a Desktop App

I was going through some emails and came across a press release from F8 where they demo Messenger as a desktop app and that made me smile. So before I get into my view on this, you can go ahead and download it free on the Mac App Store as well as the Microsoft App Store. Both are free!

(Image and article source)

Now for me I use Facebook a little different. While Facebook has a BUNCH of different apps, I preferred it when they had all of the functions under one app. I imagine it was easier to maintain them as separate installs, but for me I hate having to switch apps to perform a function that I used to do while inside of one experience already. Additionally I don’t like having Messenger on my iPhone and resorted to using it on my iPad and through my browser as my main interaction point. Having it as a stand alone app on my laptop though saves me from using the additional device, but also keeps the Messenger experience to my main device; being my laptop. I use Messenger almost exclusively for business interactions so I like to keep my time of use of it to normal working hours, then close it and not get notifications or distractions from it until I’m ready to. Similar to how I treat emails during the day too by only opening my email app a few times a day and not having it open all day to distract me of every email of the many inboxes I manage. But I digress.

So check out the desktop offering and let me know what you think! Will you use it more or less than the mobile apps or through your browser?