What’s Trending…
Choose a topic currently trending in your industry or that of your client.  Yahoo! and the various Social Media outlets are great sources for quick, current topics.

Keep A Stash
When the clock is not your friend, you need to have a reserve that you can quickly draw from.  Try to jot down some topics and/or write a few lines about a particular topic so that when your back is against the wall, you don’t need to waste time trying coming up with new ideas.

Change The Format
Rather than being “informative” and using the written method, choose to do an instructional video on a topic you have adequate knowledge of.  This can be a very effective and engaging form of blogging.  You can also choose to create a quick Infographic as another great way to convey key information in a visually pleasing and quick manner.

Quality vs. Quantity
Writing about something you are passionate about or have adequate knowledge about is a sure way to write well.  But to produce this kind of blog, don’t get caught up in the 700+ words of your average, well-researched blog post.  Stick to what you know and convey it in a confident and concise manner.  Direct, key points work best.

Use Imagery to Fill White Space
Using relevant imagery to support your topic is a great way to fill up the white space of your blog.  In your spare time search for & purchase various images on iStockphoto or 123rf and keep a reserve that you can quickly draw from.

End with a Call to Action
Calls to Action take a little more pressure off the writer and puts some of the onus on the reader.  It’s another great way to engage your readership by creating dialogue about your blog and hopefully a following.

Save Editing For Last
Once you start to write, write-write-write!  Don’t stop to correct, edit or add hyperlinks, images or anything else. Save the clean up work for last.

Last Words
These simple steps will allow you to create a quick yet informative blog in a fraction of the time.  Remember folks, you’re not going for a Pulitzer.  So do what’s needed, do it well and then click post.


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