I Am Featured on Gotta Get Blogging!

I Am Featured on Gotta Get Blogging!

I’m super excited to say that I have been featured in Gotta Get Blogging’s Blogger of the Month for December. Bess Auer heads up that organization that helps out bloggers whether beginner to professional to get exposure, grow their reach, and more.

I was asked a few questions about blogging. Check out my responses along with an upcoming event Florida Blog Con Forum on March 2016.

Click the image below to read the article:

Gotta Get Blogging

Facebook Services: Find Businesses in Your City Based on Their Ratings and Proximity

Facebook Services: Find Businesses in Your City Based on Their Ratings and Proximity

Facebook will soon be officially launching a new feature on the desktop version (soon to be released to mobile I’m sure) where you can now search for local services based on your current location. For those of you that have a Facebook Business page/profile you’ll want to really see how you rank for your business. For now it seems the ratings is what is driving the business listing priorities. This means if you don’t have any reviews yet for your business on Facebook, you’re going to want to spend some time asking your customer and clients to log in and submit positive five-star reviews so that you can start to rank up your profile.

Facebook Services - List of businesses

I’m sure there are other algorithms Facebook is using to rank profiles, but at first glance the ratings seems to be driving it. You’ll also want to see how your traffic is doing with people getting to your page, posting, and engaging there.

This new feature should be interesting to see how this affects Yelp since this does exactly what we use Yelp’s website and ratings for choosing a restaurant or business service. Check it out and let me know what you think, is this a good new feature, is this something you’re concerned about? Leave your comments below.

Blab Replay: 37 days to 3,700 followers. The secrets of @orlandokingcobra!

Blab Replay: 37 days to 3,700 followers. The secrets of @orlandokingcobra!

On Tuesday, Bess and I hosted our weekly Blab and our host was Joshua C. Johnson. He reveals himself as the owner of the funny yet really effective Instagram account of @OrlandoKingCobra. About a month ago or so there was a king cobra snake that got away from its owner. After a few days of it being missing I noticed a parody Instagram account with this snake head and how he’s making his way around town. You can catch up on all the funny images and things here.

While this was all funny to read and get updates on, there were a LOT of really good marketing lessons that Joshua learned and observed while managing this account. He shares all of that and more in this replay.

First Time Speaking for WordCamp

First Time Speaking for WordCamp

For the past few years I’ve been involved with WordCamp Orlando from a support role to conference photography. This year was the first year that I applied to speak and my only regret is not applying sooner.

If you’re not familiar with WordCamp, it’s a conference that takes place in a lot of major cities around the country. Usually it last about 2-4 days with talks, round tables, tech sponsors, swag, networking and so much more. I highly recommend attending as many as you can both near and abroad just to get a well rounded perspective on the attendees and speakers from each city. One of my goals next year will be to attend a WordCamp out of the state of Florida.

In the meantime I wanted to share my slides from my talk here for those of you who attended and those who may have missed it. Any questions feel free to comment below.

Blab Replay: 37 days to 3,700 followers. The secrets of @orlandokingcobra!

How to Embed Your Blab on Your Website

Hello all, I wanted to share this quick video on how to get the embed code to be able to show your live Blab show on your website or post. If you’re not familiar with Blab, it is a live forum for up to four people to using video to discuss a subject while using Twitter on the right to chat and engage. It’s really new and really cool. I’ve been on a few Blab as a participant over the past few weeks, and each Tuesday I am on with Bess Auer of Gotta Get Blogging for what we call #BlogTalkTuesday, where we discuss all things trending in social media, marketing, events, and more. Here is a link to our next show.

Inspiring Business Podcasts Worth Subscribing To

Inspiring Business Podcasts Worth Subscribing To

For the past five years or so, I’ve been really into Podcasts. For me they were an alternative medium for consuming media of all types, from entertainment to business. What I enjoyed the most was being able to listen or watch my content wherever I wanted regardless if I was connected to the internet. It took me back to when I got my first walkman. Anyway, below is a list of Podcasts I listen to that I wanted to share for your enjoyment and inspiration.


This podcast has setup their series into seasons, much like a television show. I would highly suggest you start listening from the beginning and binge your way to the most current episode. StartUp profiles their own business behind the scenes on a weekly basis from team meetings, proof of concept, investor meetings, and a whole lot of other transparent takes on their “startup” business. The second seasons profiled an online dating startup.

Online Marketing Made Easy

Amy Porterfield has been inspiring I’d say hundreds of thousands of people with her smart and easy to consume marketing tips. She occasionally will interview marketing gurus that we all have heard of and probably follow to pick their brains on current trends, how they got started, hurdles they’ve overcome, and then tips and freebies for listeners.

The EntreLeadership Podcast

This one is brought to you by the folks at studios of the Dave Ramsey show. Each week they provide great business tips mainly from a leader or business owner perspective. Team building, corporate environment, and topics all in between. Occasionally they’ll interview well known industry leaders to talk about their experiences as well. This podcast usually is about 45 or so minutes each week, but is really worth your time, especially in a long commute.

The $100 MBA Show

I really look forward to starting my day with the energy that Omar Zenhom has for his shows. This guy actually produces a 10min podcast for every day of the week. That’s right, 7 days a week he’s got a show for you to listen to. Each day he offers great tips on marketing, small business advice, good habits, and more. Once you’ve listened to a few of his shows, you can see why he has an award winning show, but also a great business behind it due to the wealth of knowledge he puts out in bites for free each day.

Career Tipper

Michele Badie is a friend of mine, and is here in Orlando. She is the author of this weekly “Confidence Conversation” with local movers and shakers of various industries around Central Florida. What I admire about her most is that she interviews people that’s she’s never met. Typically when you hear interviews they’re by people who have a good enough connection to approach the ability to have someone sit down and open up about their history and experiences. Be sure to check out her casual podcast to learn more about some influential local leaders around Orlando, FL.

These podcasts above are really just a few that I listen to. If you have some that you listen to, let me know in the comments below. I’m seeing Podcasting really pick up over the last two years and there are plenty of great content creators out there publishing information that we can all benefit from.