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We publish weekly so be sure and subscribe!Content Creation Tools & Tips for 2020 [VIDEO REPLAY]
In case you missed my presentation from WordCamp Miami, I talked about some free tools and apps that can help create content. The feedback from this was amazing and again I'm continually thankful for the platform and opportunity. As a speaker, the greatest joy in...
Using Blab to Create Unique Content [VIDEO INSIDE]
Just this morning Bess Auer and I hosted a show on Blab. If you're not familiar with Blab, it's a cool new video platform that works with Twitter in the like of Periscope, yet can allow for up to four people to be shown "Brady Bunch" style at once. My first time being...
What Simple Polls Can Tell You
I'm sitting at a Starbucks getting ready to do some client work. I had already picked up my little dried fruit snacks and fruit drink. Ironically no coffee since I don't want to make it back to back late night, so that's why I chose the fruit juice instead. Upon...
FLBlogCon Was a Day Full of Great Presenters, Notes, Networking and More
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Submit: Confessions of a Designer
Ok we're calling out for those funny times of your design careers that something may have come up, a situation, a mistake, anything that you'd like to confess. Could be anonymous if you like. Please send all of your stories (quick or long) to...
Sketching can take your designs to another level
Technology is ruling the world, that's been evident for a long time now (if it doesn't already). Which leave the good old pen and paper forgotten in the attic. In this article I will address why you should turn off your computer, put away your...
Comment, Please
No, this isn’t a blatantly obvious attempt to generate reader feedback. This is a look at why developers should use well-commented code throughout their projects and how this seemingly simple addition can change the world–or at least, make people’s lives easier.
Design & Build for Your Audience, and Not Yourself
When it comes to designing a website, there can be a lot of opinions thrown into the hat from all parties. Opinions from the designer, who usually is considered the authority figure. From a company's marketing team. My favorite are the opinions...
What You Should Know About Google’s New Privacy Changes
If you haven't heard by now, Google is making a shift toward a more transparent user experience with their applications. Much like how Facebook has cookies that keep an eye on where you go on the internet, Google is looking to read and capture your...
Clients…are they dictating your designs?
There is a point in a designer's career, that you will, if you haven’t already, come in contact with a client that wants to rule the entire project. They pick on the colors, the layout, and the typeface (Comic Sans anyone?). Everytime you try put...
When Designing Can Bite You In The Ass
Remember when you first started out as a designer? That overly ambitious feeling to get any kind of work no matter what you'd be getting paid. Sure we all remember those days. Even if they were a few months ago for some. What quickly follows after...