In this time of economic hardship, every business big or small is hurting.  Declines in product purchasing, or rationalizing the use of a costly service has many business owners trimming their financial trees.  However, I believe during this time of Thanksgiving, it is important to let your faithful customers/clients know just how much you appreciate them sticking with you and giving you their business.

Chachkies (Yiddish word for small gifts or collectables)
Small token gift ideas from business owners to customers can be accomplished in a cost-effective way.  Great, inexpensive product marketing sites like Vistaprint offer a variety of low-cost options that tout your brand while reflecting your customer appreciation. And Vistaprint is almost ALWAYS HAVING A SALEUnderstand that this inexpensive token of appreciation can translate right back to you with consumer loyalty and an increased revenue stream.  This category of business branded items can include:

If money is tighter than your pants will be at 6pm this Thursday, an inexpensive, higher-end E-card might be just right for your limited budget.  There are some great options out there with music and scrolling imagery using Flash Animation that will convey glad tidings to your customers/clients. Some clients might be happy that you are choosing to reduce your carbon footprint by not sending traditional, printed cards.  Check out some great interactive options at or

Holiday Rewards
Let your customers know how special they are with a one-time Holiday special/promotion for them remaining dedicated customers. Make sure to let them know that you are holding the special at this holiday time in tribute to them.  If it’s a product, give them a percentage off their next order.  If it’s a service, give them $ credit on their account.

These small giftings for faithfulness should be a key consideration for small business owners.  Although I recognize that most don’t have the extra funds lying around to use on what might seem like a frivolous expenditure, the long term affects on those relationships are worth it.  I believe that it’s important to keep your business in the minds of your current clients since the impression can go a long way to keep those customer’s repeat business AND referrals to their professional & personal networks.  And if you do it right, you’ll see the ROI on this token of appreciation and jingle all the way to the bank.


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