Infographic general designMost marketers know that one of the best ways to convey pertinent information, especially statistical data, is through infographics.  When potential or new clients ask me what they are, I often say “it is a visually pleasing and engaging way to consume medium to large quantities of information.”  The purpose of the infographic is as multidimensional as the design. Over the years, I have seen infographics used for a variety of purposes – educational, political, business soliciting – you name it.

One that recently caught my attention, made me start thinking about companies and organizations purposes, agendas and the like, that are using this “visually pleasing and engaging” method of marketing to accomplish the their vision and goals.  Join me as we journey though some of the most compelling and captivating infographics published to date.

Peta’s Life of a Cow infographic tops many emotion-evoking infographic lists.  It educates consumers, encourages veganism, and intentionally elicits emotional pain over what baby calves go through to become dairy- and food-producing options.  This infographic holds nothing back when it comes to mapping out the beginning with the fear-inflicted eyes of the baby calf to the ill-fated end of becoming dinner.

Domestic violence is a huge issue in our society, in the U.S. and abroad. It can be physical, sexual, emotional; and the least publicized, psychological.  Millions of Americans, women AND men, have been victims of domestic violence and this infographic displays the ugly truths of these heinous acts.  Developed by NowSourcing for, Exposing What Happens Behind Closed Doors, is an educational infographic reflecting truth, demographics, and current statistics.  From the first, engaging image through the un-ignorable statistics, this in-depth domestic violence awareness all-in-one definitely does what it should.

Sure to get a few guffaws, this infographic from Killer Infographics is sure to crack the corners of your mouth with statements that most people think but don’t have the guts to say.  I’m Cooler Than You Because…was designed in 2013 to showcase “why certain people are cooler than other people” relying on “bold icons and funny copy to make this infographic super effective!”  And that it does!  So if you don’t have a bunch of nay-saying, humorless colleagues, post this in your cube to surely receive a few laughs and engaging conversation.  And in case you didn’t know and are bold enough to rock it, you can get this on apparel by visiting here.

Eye-opening content is always welcome in my book, and as well, that which is shockingly truthful.  In the 21 Shocking U.S. Food Waste Facts & Statistics, the designers at AZ Solutions, ensure you are well aware as to how much food wasting goes on and its riveting impact. So many of us do it in one way or another, but I had no idea that my disregarding, no left-overs mentality impacts the masses. It was compelling enough to  change both my mind and my own behaviors.

So there you have it folks, just a few jaw-dropping, tear-welling and knee slapping infographics that are out there.  Stay tuned as I may address this topic again in the future and once again reveal why well thought out, skillfully designed infographics are such captivating and compelling content around.

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