What Are Website Landing Pages

What Are Website Landing Pages

Landing Pages are a very necessary part of your digital strategy toolkit when it comes to your online efforts. While you may have heard about Landing Pages often enough, there are some things you should know about them if you are not yet using them on your website, or if you’re not sure about ways to effectively use them.

This video defines what landing pages are and also provides examples on how to use them. You can really level up your marketing efforts by utilizing several different landing pages on your website with different flavors and offerings of your products and services with items that provide value to your visitors and readers.

[ WEBINAR REPLAY ] How to Keep Your Business Relevant During COVID-19

[ WEBINAR REPLAY ] How to Keep Your Business Relevant During COVID-19

Recently I was featured on a webinar with the African American Chamber of Commerce of Central Florida where I presented on How To Keep Your Business Relevant During Covid-19. We’ve been telling our clients during strategy consultations what they’ll need to be doing to keep their brand recognition alive during this time of quarantining and social distancing. Not all businesses are open, and some are but operating with limited products and services. Meanwhile others are taking steps to keep their marketing efforts in tact to be ready for when the marketplaces open back up.

In this webinar I give a bunch of tips, strategy, and resources that you can use right now to create engaging content for your audience and keep relevant during this time.

Special thank you to the AACCCFL for having me as a guest presenter. They’re really doing a great job with featuring various local business professionals as well as elected officials each week answering questions and providing resources for the community here in Orlando and beyond. Be sure to visit their website to see upcoming webinars and resources.