Contrary to what most think, email is actually still very much relevant and effective. I say that because I received an email from Nick at Delmondo (they’re a video analytics company) and one of the articles was about Generation Z and Millennials and their feelings on Instagram and SnapChat. You can read the full article here on Adweek’s website.

I use both platforms, yet I personally enjoy Instagram over Snapchat. That may be because I’m a photographer and enjoy pictorial art over video, or maybe it is an age thing? Still the infographic the created by Adweek was actually pretty informative and well worth the few minutes of your time to review if you’ve been considering paid ads on Instagram and SnapChat. We at Design Theory have paid for boosted posts and ads on IG and have found some moderate results in the way of increased traffic to our website landing page, likes, and engagement. However the statistics that most in this infographic either don’t pay attention to the ads they see or don’t remember them is alarming.

Infographic: Carlos Monteiro

If these two demographics are your target audience you’ll certainly want to check your analytics and impression stats to see just how effective your posts are, and also the social media platform and determine if it’s working for you. Obviously you want your brand awareness to improve and grow, that’s the main reason (or should be) for paid advertising. However you should be vigilant about how and where you spend your marketing dollars. Just because you’re paying for it doesn’t mean it’s worth it – or is enough!

Have you been thinking about marketing your brand, products, or services on Instagram and SnapChat? If you have questions feel free to contact us, and if you have some testimonies about your experience we’d love to hear about them too.

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