How To Get Your Google My Business Page Review Link

How To Get Your Google My Business Page Review Link

Having your customers and clients leave you positive reviews is a fantastic way to organically grow your business profile on Google. Getting them to engage and leave you a review sometimes may be include a bunch of steps and this short video will show you how to make the whole process super easy and frictionless. 

Some unique ways you can use this:

  • Add your link to your email signature
  • Automate your “Thank You” email to your clients and include a call to action using this link
  • On the part of your register that faces your customers during checkout
  • As part of a repeat customer plan where after providing a 5 Star Review, your customers get a special discount on their next purchase
  • Create a custom QR code with your companies brand colors and even your logo and place it on a sticker or back of your physical marketing materials

If you would like some ideas or ways to create a marketing strategy to customize your review process, be sure to contact us

3 Tips for On-Demand Web Marketing

We Want It Now!  This is the era we live in.  I see-I want-I get.  At our fingertips, the worldwide web is ready to give us minimally bridled access.  So whether it’s on-demand TV, 24-hour accessible banking, shopping or bill paying-we want what we want or need when we say so.  And technological advances have certainly given sway to our demanding ways.

This has created a big boom and bank for the marketing world.  On-demand marketing exists and is used influentially from majority of the major, well-known companies, mid-size and even small businesses who understand not just the concept but the cash flow resulting from it.  Companies and brands have come to understand and leverage this concept to zero-in or pinpoint their exact consumer targets and ensure the marketing content is responsive, relevant and effectively consumable by that target audience.  One would think this is quite integral and complex-but it’s really not.  It’s about intelligent, simplistic and integrated solutions for successful marketing campaigns and profitability.

In a hyper-competitive world, using on-demand marketing solutions allow businesses, small or large, to expand their reach and contact an unprecedented number of people with a minimal investment. Some examples include:

#1 – The Mobile Connection
With just a few clicks on the Blackberry or taps on the Smartphone we are in the digital marketing world; consuming all that it has to offer.  Creating websites that are designed for and allow for online purchasing; having a mobile version or one that can toggle between full details and basic info; increases the pleasurable consumer experience while allowing for fast paced purchasing or access to information.

#2 – The Power of Reviews 
Most of today’s consumers aren’t just driven by their own desires but studies show they are mostly moved by others opinions of goods or services their fellow-man has already test-run and wrote about it.  According to PowerReviews, “Customer Reviews create three times more reviews than competing solutions. This results in 10 to 50% more organic traffic to your product pages…content creation and moderation solutions use research-proven processes, product-specific templates and structured reviews that turn more browsers into buyers.”  And that’s where it’s at.  Turning browsers into buyers of your product and consumers of information.

#3 – From Strategies to Capabilities
Once you understand and plan your on-demand strategies, it’s time to look at how they can increase the capabilities of your product or service and market that effectively.  So one becomes the catalyst for growth in the other.  Whether it’s a product or service, your strategies to capabilities plan should entail:

•strategically considering your resources and goals to ensure the strategies can and will hits their marks;
•brainstorming about improved capabilities of the product or service to appropriately market it; and
•clearly identifying goals and focusing on the best means for achieving them.

Summed up, it’s all about creating the need, want, and will to purchase/utilize your product or service demand while influencing potential consumers. So let your marketing plan answer the call while driving more consumers to your business and profitability.