Design Theory is an Orlando based design firm that provides services in web design, graphic design, content writing, and social media.
Lead by Jean Perpillant, and a team of six other creative, we are proud to play a big role in the 2012 Orlando WordCamp. We have found that WordPress to be a fantastic content management system, and offering it to our clients to manage their own sites once we’ve built them have landed us many great reviews.
By using the open sourced WordPress platform, Design Theory is able to create brilliant websites that are not only aesthetically pleasant but also functionally sound. We’ve created websites for dentists, radio talk show hosts, clothing retailers, non-profits, and many more. Integrating social media and Google analytics allows us to take our client websites to new heights in SEO and social engagement, and we look forward to sharing these insights and more at the 2012 Orlando WordCamp Conference.
With WordCamp being such a well-known conference in the web community, and Orlando quickly growing as a technology force on the East Coast, we feel it really sets the stage for a great time for learning and networking with others in our community. The scale of this event is quite large, and we anticipate the take-a-ways that all the attendees will have from it will be exponential.
For more information, please visit the official website of the 2012 Orlando WordCamp website. Be sure to reserve your tickets today, as space is sure to fill up quickly.
This Saturday July 1st, we launched yet another business website for a restaurant/cafe in Windsor, Connecticut called Whistle Stop Cafe. I had the pleasure of dinning there for breakfast about 3 years ago; long before they were a client of ours. My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed their food. One of our staff members Yvonne Barber actually was a current patron of the restaurant and encouraged them on new ways to market their menu and website. Before we knew it, we were rebuilding their website on a nice responsive design and layout using WordPress.

“Since the beginning, it has been our goal to create a unique menu that blows away traditional ”diner food” with unconventional & delicious menu options. We also employ a great kitchen support team to Elizabeth as well as a wait staff that genuinely love their customers and are never too busy to get to know and remember you. When we started Whistle Stop in the quaint location we had no idea of how popular it would be become. Giving way to its success, we were forced to expand to a new, improved and considerably larger location just down a few doors at 139 Broad Street in December 2010. We are happy to report that the new spot has a terrific open kitchen, a fun & traditional swivel stool counter space along with plenty of well-spaced out tables. There is also a small, private room that can be reserved for family, corporate and special occasion functions. Thanks to the increased space we can serve more of our faithful customers, entertain large parties and host local area musicians monthly for our customers to enjoy while dining.”
This project was an interesting one that brought out some new functionality that was never present for this business’ website. Having a nice photo gallery to showcase their dishes both now and ongoing will be great refreshed content. An easy to navigate food menu that is broken down by different meals of the day as well as beverages and desserts. We also added a blog to the site that will help keep fresh content to the website on a regular basis. From upcoming events to fan favorite dish recipes, subscribing to their blog will be fun and informative.
Well visit their website at Whistle Stop Cafe and see for yourself. And if you’re in the neighborhood, be sure to stop in and say hello to Christina and Elizabeth!
All Posts, Marketing, PRESS RELEASE
Here at Design Theory, we’re a pretty humble design firm. All of our designers have their wits about them, and we all have one main goal in mind; and that’s to make an awesome experience for our customers and clients. Recently we placed our first magazine ad in a popular and thriving NYC magazine called SYM Magazine. The Dt staff and I would like to give a great big thank you to Tilsa Wright for the opportunity and exposure. Check out some of the pictures of the print below, and check out the magazine online for free with this link.