Indelible Consulting Website Redesign Project

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Dt Website Portfolio - Indelible Consulting

The Challenge:

Indelible Consulting faced the challenge of modernizing its online presence. Their original website, built on WIX, lacked the contemporary design elements and functionality needed to effectively engage clients. With an expanding portfolio of consulting services, it became crucial for Indelible Consulting to present a professional and user-friendly online experience.

Our Custom Solutions:

Understanding the specific needs of Indelible Consulting and its clients, we embarked on a comprehensive redesign project. Our primary objective was to create a modern, visually appealing website on WordPress, incorporating the company’s brand color scheme and enhanced content. Additionally, we custom-built a Learning Management System (LMS) to facilitate the delivery of their educational courses.

Key Features:

  1. Modern WordPress Design: We developed a sleek and modern WordPress website that aligns with Indelible Consulting’s brand identity. The new design includes updated content, intuitive navigation, and visually appealing elements to engage visitors.
  2. Learning Management System (LMS): A custom-built LMS was integrated into the website, offering four courses that clients can purchase, consume, and complete through a full self-service process. This LMS ensures a seamless educational experience, enabling clients to access valuable content at their convenience.
  3. Enhanced User Experience: The redesigned website is optimized for user experience, featuring clear calls to action, easy navigation, and a responsive design that works flawlessly on all devices. This ensures that potential clients have a positive and engaging experience when visiting the site.
  4. Brand Color Scheme: The website design incorporates Indelible Consulting’s brand color scheme, ensuring consistency across all digital touchpoints and reinforcing brand recognition.


By implementing these custom solutions, Design Theory significantly enhanced Indelible Consulting’s digital presence. The new website not only showcases their consulting expertise but also provides an intuitive platform for clients to engage with their services and educational content. This redesign positions Indelible Consulting as a modern, client-focused consulting firm, ready to meet the needs of their growing client base.


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Posted on

June 3, 2024

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