For a modern lesson on a classic fundamental, let’s take it back to elementary school for the 5 W’s (and 1 H) for a moment shall we?  Who, What, Where, When, Why & How…although not in that particular order.
WHO…you of course!  Don’t think blogging is for you or beneficial to your company?  Read on my friend…
WHAT’s the point of business blogging?  To communicate clearly to a wide variety of readers (either from your business sector or to one who is interested in acquiring your company’s expertise) and reach them on a virtual yet tangible level that says  wanna do lunch…via Skype?

HOW can a blog work for your company?  Let me pass on what I’ve come to understand. Basically, if you are a small to medium-sized company, more than likely you have a limited advertising/marketing budget if any.  This may in turn affect your ability to rub elbows with your industry-related business colleagues and the frequency of networking opportunities.  But guess what? If you have a semi-talented employee who can write pretty well or hire a content writer like myself (hint, hint-plug, plug) you can be well on your way to leveraging social media to your advantage and profit margin.
WHY and the WHAT points are somewhat synonymous. You (or your superiors) want to have a corporate blog which elevates you/your company to a WORLDWIDE PRESENCE.  This taps you into the local and global business market by creating dialogue via your company website to an UNLIMITED number of people for almost FREE.  Need I say more?  Ok but just because I can hear the anticipation…
WHERE is Waldo, Jane, Bob or whatever your name is?  Where do you pow-wow and have your swank & usually expensive lunch meeting to seal your deals?  Your couch if you’re lucky!  In 2012, most freelance and small business owners work from home or out of a local Starbucks.  You can save time and money with this fantastic networking tool by using a little of Father Time and a smidge of talent to take your business to the next level and into an unlimited marketplace.  No expense account required.
WHEN you choose to use social media to your advantage, you win-plain & simple.  Oh and today is a great day to start.

Still saying blah, blah, blah?????

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