I recently received an email from Bing, because I’m an XBox Live subscriber, to earn 2,000 Xbox Live Reward Credits. Now I know we don’t normally talk gaming on our articles here but hear me out with what I realized when I read into this Bing Rewards campaign. One thing that immediately popped up though was how ironically identical the Bing Rewards logo was to the Google Drive logo. It’s not a direct copy but see for yourself:
Bing Rewards is what I’d like to call an underhanded tactic to boost traffic to their search engine by enticing rewards and a point system to users. Let’s start with the email introduction.
So as you can see, if you’re an avid gamer, you can receive more points to your profile by using their search service on a regular basis. Seems innocent enough at jump, but lets see more.
By logging into the dashboard on a daily and weekly basis you’ll find different tasks or suggestions for places to visit and actions to perform to gain points. I have to give credit because they understand gamification well enough to place status levels for frequent users of the Rewards program. By being active you can earn things daily and even earn rewards for a charity if you don’t want to splurge on yourself.
They also got social too. Sign in to Facebook through on of their Dashboard links and allow Bing to access your public profile and friends. Here’s the message I got when I declined the approval:

Featured Image credit: audioundwerbung / 123RF Stock Photo