Creating checklists may seem like a daunting task to some, but in the world of content creation, it can be one of the best tools to focus the intent and execution of stellar writing.   Inaccurate or “bad” writing can be avoided by eliminating a handful of common mistakes – once you know what they are.  This may be a time-consuming process at first, but once you command these “one-and-done” items, you’ll have all the necessary checkmarks to go from draft to publish more easily than ever.

checkboxHave a Clear Focus – Do you have a clear objective for the piece you are penning?  Once you are clear on the intent or objective, you can create a brief outline of key points you want to make.  This helps to keep the flow of your writing smooth and helps to avoid rambling or inadvertently veering in an unproductive direction.

checkboxGreat Expectations – Nothing entices a reader like a compelling and intriguing headline or title.  Think creatively about what grabs your attention when surfing the web, watching television or listening to your favorite radio station.  And don’t be afraid to interject a little humor or allow it to be slightly politically jarring.  Keep it clean but not boring!

checkboxWriter ImageConsistency is Key – Erratic writing makes for limited reading.  Nothing frustrates readers more than schizophrenic writing, positioning and tone.  So make sure you are consistent in these areas.

checkboxBeauty is in the Eye of the Beholder – Imagery is what most people will hone in on once they read the title.  Therefore supporting imagery is very important and please make sure it is indeed supportive of the written content that surrounds it.  Remember- in this busy, digital age, most people don’t fully read-they skim.  So give them something eye-catching to capture and keep their attention as long as possible.

checkbox2 Sets of Eyes Are Better Than One – When writing content, it’s easy to make obvious spelling, grammar and formatting mistakes.  So don’t be afraid to let someone else take a gander at your masterpiece before publishing.  Additionally, its helpful to get a reader’s perspective before exposing it to the masses.  This is critical when publishing blogs or on a business website since once it’s on the web, it’s there forever.

The Wrap Up – There are a ton of other content creators out there clamoring for reader’s attention. Therefore, quality content is a must if you want to stand out from the crowd, have your craft respected and captivate your audience. By following even a few of the tips listed above, doubtlessly your content will improve. Don’t forget – writing good content is an art and being an artist takes practice.

 What are your tried & true content creation writing tips?

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