Guys, this weekend has been amazing on so many levels.  We love going to WordCamp; there’s something about being in a concentrated area with all of this creative, strategic energy that is awesome.  But the stand

Can you find me on the speaker list?

Can you find me on the speaker list?

out for me this weekend has been KidsCamp.  This year we brought our kids along and within 2 hours they have become addicted to blogging.  As a parent nothing excites me more than watching them try to figure out what they want to say, how they want it to look, watching them create.  It was beautiful, really – if there’s a KidsCamp attached to a WordCamp near you, and you have children – don’t miss it.  Totally worth it.

But the real reason for this quick post is to provide my speaker slides from my lightning talk.  Within these slides is the secret to unlocking the magic of Facebook ads and making millions!  No, not really this is just a high level talk about why Facebook Ads give the most bang for your buck. This talk also covers how you can target your ads to show up on the feeds of people who have visited your website, your competitors website, or many other options.  Enjoy!





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