Strategy & Brand Enhancement

Growth & Sales

  • Refining your sales process
  • Creating sales funnels
  • Market Research
  • Client Onboarding Process

Brand Enhancement

  • Identifying your MVP
  • Understaning your KPIs
  • Developing your core values
  • Industry positioning
  • Branding & Identity

Leverage Social Media

  • Discover your ICP
  • Identify key social networks
  • Optimizing your social profiles for success
  • Setup CTAs
Jean Presenting-2

Business Development and Strategy Coaching

Do you find yourself juggling multiple responsibilities, making critical decisions, and navigating complex challenges?

We specialize in empowering business professionals, small business owners, and entrepreneurs to reach their full potential. Our Business Development and Strategy Coaching is designed to provide you with the tools, insights, and strategies necessary for sustainable growth and success. Whether you’re looking to troubleshoot your current operations or refine your processes to find ways of being more productive, our 1 on 1 accountability coaching will guide you every step of the way.

Executive Coaching

Our coaching process helps leaders identify their strengths, address their weaknesses, and develop actionable plans to achieve their professional and organizational goals.

Strategy & Process

With a well-defined strategy, we'll help focus your efforts on high-impact tasks, prioritize initiatives for efficiencies, and set measurable milestones that track your goals.

Take Our Business Marketing Assessment

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Not sure how to get started with marketing your business?

There’s a bunch of ways to approach marketing. Not every solution will provide the same results for all businesses and organizations. Our approach is learning the unique value propositions, create a content strategy that speaks to your target audience back back research and data to ensure effecacy. 

What social media platform should I be on?

The simple answer to this question may be all of them. But if you don’t have time to create unique content for each, you should instead research which platform has a more engaging audience with intent on your industry or interest. By creating value that is hyper focused, you’ll be able to grow an audience on one platform and be known well for that. In the near future you can branch off into other platforms when you’re ready. In the meantime, secure all of the platforms with your business/brand name as placeholders and direct people who may find you there to your main social channel to engage.

How can I tell what content is working?

Whether it’s your website, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, or another social network, each has some form of metrics, insights, or analytics that is provided to you to measure your engagement and reach. Starting with your website, you should be using the free offering of Analytics by Google. They offer a ton of data from page visit counts to demographics of your users.

How often should I be creating content?

This is a loaded question and is hard to generalize for all business owners, but a good strategy to follow would be to create at least 1-3 great pieces of content per week and distribute them uniquely to all of your social channels. We’ve learned that blog posts for example should consist of 2500 words at minimum for Google’s algorithm to rank your content. If your business produces visual arts, you should be creating upwards of 10-20 pieces of content per day on Instagram natively and to IG Stories in order to gain more followers and a steady consuming community.

Book A Meeting


“Jean is amazing with his strategy ideas! It seems effortless for him and we appreciate the dedication.”

Ben C.

"I had no idea where I should start with promoting my company online and with Nicole’s help, I started to get more customers and got understanding on how effective Facebook Ads can."

Susan G.

"I didn’t have time to research and try and understand everything about social media. Especially when it seems to change so often. I just trusted Jean with his strategies and I’m able to focus on my business."

Alex W.

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