About a week ago I had the privilege to shoot an engagement shoot with a young couple here in Orlando for their upcoming wedding in September of this year. My normal procedure with shoots is to sit down with my clients a week or so ahead of the shoot and talk about the target shots they’d like to achieve and ones I’d like to achieve based on the theme and wish list. We had everything down and all parties were looking forward to the date.

Being in Florida, our weather can change from day-to-day. So with that we had to quickly change our location from outdoor to indoor which thus changes a lot of the theme elements we had planned on utilizing for the shoot. Thankfully this couple was more than willing to comply and switch and adapt.

This is a sample photo from the shoot that we all loved. There’s quite a story with the record player, how close they are, the reason why they’re out of focus, and of course the ring.

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